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Research Papers on Psychology

Psychology is a field that studies the mental structure of an individual that causes him to act and think in the way he does. Finding a research material for preparing a research paper is very time consuming. For the reason Researchomatic is presenting numerous research papers on psychology to help out students and professionals. These research papers will give them ideas on how to write a good psychology research paper.

Long Term Memory
Long Term Memory Long Term Memory Introduction Memory, in which association amongst items is stored, is Long-term Memory (LTM), which is part of the dual-storing memory model, theory. According to what the theory suggests, this type of memory has a different structure than working and short-term memory and functions differently too, as it ...
Adolescent’s Development
Adolescent's Development Table of Contents Introduction1 Purpose of Study1 Aims and Objectives2 Hypothesis2 Problem Statement2 Literature Review2 Language Development3 Early Brain Development3 Phases of Development4 Emotional and Social Development5 Cognitive Development5 Speech and Language Development5 Fine Motor Skill Development6 Gross Motor Skill Development6 Psychological Development6 Piagetian Theory7 Early Childhood Education and Its Influence on Cognitive Development8 Promoting Positive Behaviour8 Life Span Perspective9 Erick Erickson's Developmental Stages10 Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Model11 Impact of Hereditary and ...
Personality Psychology
Personality Psychology Personality Psychology Introduction Personality researchers have suggested numerous theories on the structure and organization of personality. These theories are attempts at providing a framework for the study of personality the important ways people differ in their enduring emotional, interpersonal, attitudinal, and motivational styles. Personality disorders are characterized by patterns of ...
Significant Event
Significant Event Significant Event Sometimes people face certain situations that impact their lives strongly. The significant event whose effects shaped my life is the mental and physical abuse happened with my neighborhood friend and her mother, which I unfortunately observed when I was just 10 years old. That was the most torturing ...
Play Therapy
Play Therapy Abstract Play therapy is widely considered as an effectual tool, and it can be Play therapy can be used with children and adolescents who are experiencing social, behavioral , emotional, and learning problems, like: anger management difficulties, anxiety, academic or social developmental problems, depression, learning or physical disabilities and low ...
Mate Preference And Parental Influence
Mate Preference and Parental Influence Mate Preference and Parental Influence Mate Preference and Parental Influence Introduction Many literature written on marriage and the process of finding the right mate detail the difference in some cultures in including family. The final decision sometimes has no bearings with the individual getting married in some cultures, ...
Social Personality Development In Infancy
Social personality development in infancy Social personality development in infancy Introduction One of the main tasks of the society is to provide every child the right conditions for growth and development. Physical and mental development, including cognitive, emotional and social development is primarily dependent on the actions of parents' education. Energy manifestations ...
Human Development
HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Impact of culture and environment on Human development Impact of culture and environment on Human development Introduction In the history of the evolution of human development is a principle of self-regulation and self-production of artificial environments and this should be explained in terms of the extent to which influences or is a ...
Cognitive Learning Theories
Cognitive Learning Theories Abstract The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore the cognitive learning theory in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on cognitive learning theory and the core principles and conceptions behind the theory. Nevertheless, the paper also examines the contributions and works of ...
Erectile Dysfunction
ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Erectile Dysfunction Erectile Dysfunction Outline Introduction: Defining erectile dysfunction. Stats of erectile dysfunction. Psychological effects of erectile dysfunction: Life Partner. Emotional stress. Loss of self esteem. Anxiety. Depression. Lack of confidence Conclusion Treatment of erectile dysfunction. Side effects of taking drugs to eradicate erectile dysfunction. Introduction Erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence is the repeated inability to achieve or maintain an erection firm enough for a fully ...
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