Erectile Dysfunction

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Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction



Defining erectile dysfunction.

Stats of erectile dysfunction.

Psychological effects of erectile dysfunction:

Life Partner.

Emotional stress.

Loss of self esteem.



Lack of confidence


Treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Side effects of taking drugs to eradicate erectile dysfunction.


Erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence is the repeated inability to achieve or maintain an erection firm enough for a fully sexual relationship. It can be a total inability to achieve erection, an inconsistent ability to do so or a tendency to sustain only brief erections. This means that the temporary difficulties of erection due to fatigue, stress, passenger, alcohol or medicines, not related to an erectile dysfunction, for rest, peace, the elimination of alcohol or drug withdrawal, enables total recovery . On the other hand, it is necessary to clarify that this disorder may be associated with sexual desire problems (decreased sexual desire) or orgasm, or occur independently (Seidman, 2001).

Erectile dysfunction occurs at various ages:

18 to 35 years- 30%.

36 to 50 years- 52%.

Over 50 years- 85%.


Psychological factors can lead to anxiety regarding sexual intercourse and loss of self esteems, which, in turn, worsening depression and / or stress, to establish a vicious circle. "There is a growing demand for a good sexual performance. People with erectile dysfunction are less competitive and even some people feel that they are worthless or do not have the ability to find new partners," said Dr. Gabriel Montoya specialist in psychiatry and sexology Colombian Clinic, who recently participated in the dialogue "The beauty of sex in 36 minutes", sponsored and organized by Eli Lilly Laboratories and held in Valencia, Caracas and Puerto La Cruz. "One of the elements that affect the man with erectile dysfunction, said the specialist is the loss of control over sexual relations, that is, the man feels he cannot approach sex with the same certainty with which he did eventually, and feel ...
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