Long Term Memory

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Long Term Memory

Long Term Memory


Memory, in which association amongst items is stored, is Long-term Memory (LTM), which is part of the dual-storing memory model, theory. According to what the theory suggests, this type of memory has a different structure than working and short-term memory and functions differently too, as it stores items for thirty seconds and is recalled easily.

Long-term memory is a significant part of cognition and can be divided into three process; storage, encoding and retrieval. LTM is, encoded in the medial temporal lobe without which it is unable to store newer long-term memories (Wood, R. et.al 2011).


Long-term memory is whatever that can be remembered which happened more than a good few minutes ago. The memory can last from anywhere between a few days to many years. The intensity and strength of the memory is, known to vary. Stronger memories that assist in recalling events, procedures and facts easily for instance the capital city of a country.

Weak memories that are not, as intense are harder to recall and are, only remembered after reminding and prompting. LTM are not static and the memory is not, imprinted or untouched, the memory is, revised over time by either being, merged by other memories and becoming a part of another memory and due to being, incorporated or narrated.

This is why the memories are not constant and are not reliable always. There are various forms of long-term memories, as the memories are not, formed but retained in a separate single area of the brain as the procedure of creation and storage of long-term memories is, spread out through various regions.

Explicit and Implicit Memory

This type of memory is, and then further divided into two subdivisions explicit and implicit memory. Explicit memories are the memories that are consciously, remembered, such as life events of facts. On the other hand, implicit memories are the memories are the ones we make without putting in deliberate thought, like writing or riding a bike.

You learn how to do these activities once, one remembers them, and then they come naturally to a person without putting in conscious thought. It is important to understand the difference in the various types of memories, the divisions are flexible and fluid as the various sorts of memories often mingle and mix (Baddeley & Hitch, 1974).

The brain will not store memories in a unified way as it is, done in the hard disk of a computer, as different kinds of memories are stored in separate regions of the brain. Long-term memory is, generally divided under two implicit and explicit memories.

Explicit Memory

This sort of memory is also known as declarative memory as it refers to all the memories that are available consciously. These are, encoded by entorhinal cortex, perirhinal cortex and hippocampus but are stored and consolidated elsewhere. Explicit memories are the memories that are consciously, remembered, such as life events of facts. The exact location of where it is stored is not, known but the temporal cortex is, proposed to ...
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