Cognitive Learning Theories

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Cognitive Learning Theories


The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore the cognitive learning theory in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on cognitive learning theory and the core principles and conceptions behind the theory. Nevertheless, the paper also examines the contributions and works of the theorists that proposed significant hypothesis that contributed towards the proposition of the cognitive learning theory. Nevertheless, the objective of the paper is to analyze the application of the cognitive learning theory in schools, business, social conceptions and religion in order to provide a platform for the future researches in diverse fields.

Table of Contents



Major Principles Associated with the Theory5

Contribution of the Theorists6

Application of Cognitive Learning Theory in Diverse Fields8

Application of Theory in Schools8

Application of Theory in Business9

Application of Theory in Social Activities10

Application of Theory in Religion11



Cognitive Learning Theories


The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore the cognitive learning theory. Moreover, the analysis also focuses to direct the research in order to cover every conception that is concerned with the theory. The analysis through this paper aims to explore the principles that are associated with the cognitive learning theory; in addition, the study enlightens the implication of cognitive learning theory in diverse aspects. According to diverse sources, the cognitive learning theory has distinct implications; hence, the analysis of this paper depicts the application of the cognitive learning theory when applied to schools, businesses, churches or social activities. Moreover, the essence of the research in this scenario is also directed towards the contributions of the theorists who developed the cognitive learning theory via their never ending efforts. The term cognition refers to several contexts that are diverse and inter-linked.

Cognition refers to the mental ability of an individual that governs the process of perception and processing of external information. In the field of psychology, the concept of cognition consigns to the mental processes of the individual and the procedure through which his brain operates under diverse influence of learning through distinct sources. The concept of cognitive learning theory can be well applied in the study and understanding of mental states of cognition (i.e. beliefs, desires and intentions) and in terms of information processing. The information grasped through the process of cognition is often termed as contextual knowledge. The learning through cognition can be attained through diverse knowledge transferring medium such as mentoring, experimenting and training.

Major Principles Associated with the Theory

The origin of the cognitive learning theory was incepted by Jean Piaget (1896-1980). The works and hypothesis proposed by Piaget had great theoretical influence on the development of cognitive learning theory and delivered primarily theoretical impulses. In addition, Albert Bandura developed a socio-cognitive learning theory and behavioral traits. This was a modified version of the cognitive learning theory; moreover, according to diverse studies, this theory was termed as application of cognitive learning theory in the societal scenario. The concept of cognitive learning engulfs several processes and stages through which the learning of an individual ensues (O'Donnell, King, 1999, ...
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