Psychology is the discipline that investigates the mental processes of humans and animals. The word comes from the Greek: psychological (mental activity or soul) and-logy (study). This discipline analyzes the three dimensions of these processes: cognitive, affective and behavioral.
Modern psychology has been commissioned to gather facts about the behavior and experiences of living things, arranging them in a systematic and theories developed for understanding. These studies help ...
Personality Theories
Personality Theories
The theory of personality is a set of hypotheses or assumptions about the nature and mechanisms of the personality development. The theory of personality does not explain human behaviour, but also predicts human behavior. At the end of the nineteenth century, there is a breakthrough in research on ...
Psychoactive Substances
I would like to express my thanks to my advisor, for his suggestions, comments, patience and understanding. Very special thanks to my parents, my father, my mother, my brother and my sister who were continuously supporting me throughout my life and leaving me free in all my decisions. I ...
Imprisoning the mentally ill
The number of mentally ill or disabled men and women is growing rapidly that the prisons could be considered as the biggest mental health care providers, esp. in the USA. There are numerous social and legal reasons to debate on the confinement of the mentally disabled people. ...
Principles of Human Development (Depth Portion)
The research examines the depth of the human psychology and development through the concept of meditation, guided imagery and mindfulness. The emphasis has been given to the findings if major theorist including Langer and David Hawkins. It can be said that the traditions which ...
Arnett Theory
Arnett Theory
Emerging Adulthood is the transition between youth and adulthood, marked by the postponement of marriage, children and financial independence. Jeffrey Arnett, psychologist and editor of the Journal of Adolescent Research, presented this theory. We will present his theory in detail, explaining the development of an individual.
He ...
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder which is known as manic depression is medical problem which cause psychological problem and causes in serious brain illness. This disorder usually changes mood of the people. There are two phases of the mood that people undergo. It can be said that people sometimes feel ...
Social Context and Child Development
Social Context and Child Development
Particularly rapid social development of children occurs in the first year of life. For 12 months the baby has to learn not only a huge amount of knowledge and skills, but also to establish emotional contact with others, learn to ...
Misperception of Eye Witness Memory: Why Eye Witness Testimony is Unreliable
[Rajosri Datta]
[Carleton university]
In the past few decades, the reliability of eye witness memory has been called into question. The reasons are the great number of exonerations by DNA evidence in cases where inaccurate eye witness testimony had ...
Emotion Focused Therapy
Emotion Focused Therapy
Research in the mental health profession regarding mood disorders in children are largely based on adult populations. The affect on the family are often devastating and create a revolving cycle of treatment and hospitalization without periods of stabilization. However, according to McMahon and Peters ...