Psychoactive Substances

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Psychoactive Substances



I would like to express my thanks to my advisor, for his suggestions, comments, patience and understanding. Very special thanks to my parents, my father, my mother, my brother and my sister who were continuously supporting me throughout my life and leaving me free in all my decisions. I would also like to thank my colleagues for his technical support whenever I needed. I would like to thank to Department, all the university managers, teachers and students with whom I have worked.

I certify that the work presented in the dissertation is my own unless referenced




I declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis represent my own unaided work, and that the dissertation/thesis has not previously been submitted for academic examination towards any qualification. I further declare that this work has not previously been presented in whole or part, for any other award, or published in whole or in part elsewhere, including this university. Furthermore, it represents my own opinions and not necessarily those of the University.

Signed __________________ Date _________________


The analysis in this study aims to explore the effects of psychoactive active drugs in a holistic manner. This study will access the information from different primary sources in form of questionnaire in order to accumulate data for analysis. The variables that will be incorporated in this study represent the effects of psychoactive substances and their classification as family effects, economic effects, behavioral effects and scientific effects. This research will construct the findings based on the secondary data extracted from different journals and periodicals. Nonetheless, the primary analysis of this study would be carried out through SPSS. This study will incorporate the findings related to the psychoactive substances and their effects. Nevertheless, the results and findings of this study will provide a platform for future researches and will assist effective strategy formulation process in order to cope with psychoactive substance misuse.

Table of Contents





Background of Problem8

Context of Study9

Statement of Problem10

Review of Literature11

Adverse Effects of Antipsychotic Drugs15

Atypical Antipsychotics15

The Impact of Substance-Abusing Parents on Children16

The Effects of Substance Abuse on Child's Social Development17

Parental Substance Abuse and Child Neglect18

Deterioration of Child's Self Image18


Lack of Support from Family19

Theoretical Framework20

Description of Sample Size21

Description of Measures21

Description of Procedure22

Outline for Analytical Procedure23

Justification of Appropriateness of Plan24

Ethical Risks25

Description of Ethical Safeguards25

Risk Protocols26

The Right to be Informed26

The Right to Privacy and Confidentiality26

Deception and Harm26


Description of Resources28



The psychoactive drugs are used as a treatment or remedies for several psychological concerns. The psychoactive drugs are able to counter the psychological factors affecting human health, such as stress, depression and anxiety etc. Nonetheless, the misuse of the psychoactive substances is harmful with its effects not only on the person that intakes them; but, also it surroundings. There are several scenarios in which it can be observed that psychoactive drugs are misused. The misuse of psychoactive drugs can be categorized as substance abuse that has significant effects. This study aims to explore the economic, scientific and behavior effects of psychoactive drugs; nonetheless, the study aims to enlighten the effect of psychoactive drugs on ...
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