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Assignment on Marketing

Marketing activities acts as a bridge between the producer and the customers. There are various activities involved in marketing process. Students of marketing at any level are often asked by their professors to make an assignment on marketing. Researchomatic has brought ease for the students and ensures the availability of thousand of latest topics on marketing assignments. Students can get help in preparing their own marketing assignments easily.

“concepts Of Marketing Management”
“Concepts of Marketing Management” Introduction4 Marketing Channels4 Traditional Television5 Radio5 Newspapers5 Magazines5 Letters6 Search Engine Optimization6 Pay per click (PPC)6 Niche Marketing Strategies6 Product Positioning7 Functionality of Positioning8 Product Differentiation8 Creating Differentiation9 Packaging Information9 Media Planning11 Media GRPs12 Psychographic Segmentation12 Lifestyle13 Opinions, interests and hobbies13 Degree of Loyalty13 Value Pricing14 Integrated Marketing Communication14 The Connection of Business Activities15 Public Relations in Marketing15 Marketing Communications Planning16 Concept of Multi-Cultural Marketing17 Consumer and Business Marketing Difference18 Organizational Buying19 Conclusion20 Concepts of Marketing Management Introduction This ...
MARKETING Marketing What is a brand? How do brands help consumers their purchase decisions? Illustrate your answers with example. In marketing Brand is a sign, a name, a picture, a shape, an identity that gives your product distinction from other products. It is also the name or sign for which your business ...
ORGANIZATION Exploring Organisation [Name of the Institute] Contents Introduction4 Discussion4 SWOT Analysis4 SWOT Analysis5 Strength5 Existing Faculty Members5 Physical Presence6 Online Library6 Available Capital6 Weaknesses6 Tuition Fee6 Opportunities7 Physical infrastructure7 Transport Service7 Market Expansion7 Threats7 Competition7 Online Education8 STEEPEL Analysis8 STEEPEL Analysis8 Social9 Technological9 Environment10 Economic10 Political10 Legal11 Ethical11 Balanced Scorecard11 Vision12 Balanced Scorecard12 Financial Perspective12 Cost Focus12 Revenue Focus13 Training and Development13 Customer Perspective13 Quality of graduates13 Quality of Research13 Internal Business Perspective14 Quality of Learning14 Quality Academic Staff14 Quality Learning Process14 Innovation and Learning Perspective14 Quality Planning14 Quality of Staff15 Quality Assurance15 Recommendations15 Conclusion16 Exploring Organisation Introduction This report aims ...
LEGO Business Logistic Assignment - Lego Business Logistic Assignment - Lego Introduction Company Background LEGO is a Danish company known worldwide for its production of games that consist of elementary assembly plastic bricks. The company was founded in 1932 at the initiative of the Christiansen family(Antorini, Muñiz & Askildsen, 2012, pp. 210-213). ...
ASSIGNMENT Business Operations and system Part: 1 Essential Component for Effective Business Operations Management Royal mail has changed its parcel delivery recently from 2nd April, 2013. It has categorized its delivery system into three broad categories guaranteed, confirmed and standard. The standard parcel delivery of Royal mail is very effective. The essential ...
ENVIRONMENT Business Environment Business Environment AC 1.1 One of the most important things for a business owner to consider is the format of the business organization. The formats include sole proprietorship, corporation, partnership, public sector organizations and non-government organization. Every organizations exists for some purpose, and they are as follows Sole Proprietorship The purpose is to ...
Hr Plan Performance & Evaluation
HR Plan Performance & Evaluation HR Plan Performance & Evaluation Introduction Human resource management includes policies, strategies, practices, systems and programmes for the organization and its impact of individual and group performance. HR practices commonly include impact on employee performance, selection, appraisal and rewards, training and learning. Evaluation refers to the process of ...
Virtual Teams
Virtual Teams Virtual Teams Introduction As the world is changing dynamically, businesses tend to operate virtually dispersed and isolated. Virtual businesses are supported by the information technology systems throughout the world. Geographically dispersed individuals work for the same purpose and stay connected through exchanging information and communication. This has been made possible ...
Horse Meat Scandal
HORSE MEAT SCANDAL Horse Meat Scandal Horse Meat Scandal Introduction This assignment is based on Horse Meat Scandal. The case of horse meat begins on 17 September 2012, when a health inspector in Newry (Northern Ireland) finds a problem with the labelling and packaging of a stock of frozen meat, the meat ...
Running Head : Advertising advertisement On Greek Peak Resort
Running Head : ADVERTISING Advertisement on Greek Peak Resort Advertisement on Greek Peak Resort “Four Seasons of Fun for Everyone” Characterisitcs of the destination Green Peak Mountain Resort, located in New York City of United States, is a beautiful mountainous resort which offers fun in all the four seasons. The most happening resort and a ...
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