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Advertisement on Greek Peak Resort

Advertisement on Greek Peak Resort

“Four Seasons of Fun for Everyone”

Characterisitcs of the destination

Green Peak Mountain Resort, located in New York City of United States, is a beautiful mountainous resort which offers fun in all the four seasons. The most happening resort and a primary destination falling under the head of recreational tourism brings about unlimited activities for you and your family no matter what age group you fall in, it promises fun and adventure to all its visitors (Trip Advisor, 2013). Greek Peak Mountainous Resort is in the development part of the destination lifecycle which improves day by day and can make your vacations fun oriented.


People usually prefer to stay at the Resort for a week or two which gives them ample time to get acquainted with all the activites and spend time in each as much as they want to.

Market Segment

Length of Stay


Upper class - Adults

10 days

$5,000 - $10,000

Upper class - Teenagers

8 days


Upper class - Singles

7 days


Middle class - Working families

5 days


Figure 01: Observation Hypothetical Statistics (Since no authentic resources are available)

This must be observed that the families visiting the resort usually belong to the upper strata of the society and are willing to spend more to get more. The teenagers visit with their friends to relax after a tiring school year and sometimes even singles go out to to relax alone.

The second picture directly targets the elderly and motivates them to visit the resort. Since, the resort has everything at one place, it is generally easy for them to stay at one place and enjoy to its maximum.

Type of visitors coming to the Resort

The place is usually visited by those who have had a busy schedule in their States and want to get into an energetic environment where they can spend a great time with their families and push out all their stress. These are wealthy families living in the posh areas of America who want to spend quality time. People visiting the destination usually have psycho centric traits who would like to take a tour package to visit a well-known destination and spend the time of their lives (Trip Advisor, 2013). The travelers frequently visiting the destination are domestic tourists coming from different parts of America and mainly New York. What attracts the visitors and provide them with convenience is its serene natural environment, accessibility, security, costs and ...