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Exploring Organisation

[Name of the Institute]




SWOT Analysis4

SWOT Analysis5


Existing Faculty Members5

Physical Presence6

Online Library6

Available Capital6


Tuition Fee6


Physical infrastructure7

Transport Service7

Market Expansion7



Online Education8

STEEPEL Analysis8

STEEPEL Analysis8








Balanced Scorecard11


Balanced Scorecard12

Financial Perspective12

Cost Focus12

Revenue Focus13

Training and Development13

Customer Perspective13

Quality of graduates13

Quality of Research13

Internal Business Perspective14

Quality of Learning14

Quality Academic Staff14

Quality Learning Process14

Innovation and Learning Perspective14

Quality Planning14

Quality of Staff15

Quality Assurance15



Exploring Organisation


This report aims to apply, analyse and evaluate the organizational elements at Birmingham City Business School (BCBS). This will cover the internal and external analysis on Birmingham City Business School (BCBS) that includes the SWOT, STEEPLE and Balance Scorecard measure. BCBS is home to around 3,000 students drawn from more than 80 countries all around the world. The University is provide a wide range of programs for their students that designed to provide them academic knowledge , particle skills and capabilities to make step in developing a successful career in today's high competitive and tough business environment. There are around more than 100 permanent faculties of academic staff as well as number of part time associate who contribute regularly from their personal, practical and commercial experience with student to deliver more for Business School programs, which makes students academic experience as enriching as possible.


Begins in year 1843, Birmingham City Business School (BCBS) history can traced with five individual colleges that would brought together as The City of Birmingham Polytechnic in year 1971. In later years Birmingham College of Art, Birmingham School of Music, Birmingham College of Commerce, South and North Birmingham Technical Colleges, Birmingham Polytechnic become exist. In 2007 University has changed its name into Birmingham City University and also received a new logo.

SWOT Analysis

It is a tool that identified that Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of organization. It is a straightforward model that is use to take an information from external environment and separate it into the internal (Strength and Weaknesses) and external (Opportunities and Threats) issues (Fry, 2008).

SWOT Analysis


Existing Faculty Members

A high proportion of courses that leads professional degree qualification with having strong emphasis on particle and employment based education. According to (Dyson, 2004) University have around more than 100 permanent faculties of academic staff as well as number of part time associate who contribute regularly from their personal, practical and commercial experience with student to deliver more for Business School programs, which makes students academic experience as enriching as possible.

Physical Presence

Physical presence of any organization is considered as most potential strength for it success. The Birmingham City Business School contribute education for over 160 years in city of Birmingham. The Business school enjoys strong reputation in art, music, media, health, music, teaching, training and the performing arts for relevant based professional education.

Online Library

BCBS online library open for 24 hours a day, 7 days in a week. BSBC make substantial internment in its university module virtual learning environment that provides online access to resources and flexible approaches to learning.

Available Capital

One of the major strength for BCBS is having huge availability of capital. Currently, BCBS midway through a £180-million investment plan that involved major expansion of current ...
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