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Assignment on Law

Law finds immense application in our lives and is hardly limited to any single domain. Writing a law assignment is therefore a hefty task given the broad expanse and scope of the field. This section of Researchomatic has been specifically designed for students and researchers to shed light on the common law practices, legal careers, and legal designs and most importantly on different case notes.

VIOLENCE Violence and Violent Tendencies Violence and Violent Tendencies Scenario 1 The major risks for violence offending in this scenario is that the man in blue (Tom) who has had too much to drink is now not in his sober frame of mind to think clearly. His objective mode of thinking has been compromised ...
If Drugs Are Bad Then Why Is Nana Smoking Marijuana?
If drugs are bad then why is Nana smoking Marijuana? If drugs are bad then why is Nana smoking Marijuana? Introduction Marijuana for medicinal purposes called the therapeutic use of drugs known as a drug. The pharmacological effects of Marijuana have recently moved into the focus of much medical research. Many studies ...
Taxation Law
Taxation Law Taxation Law Introduction Today, it has become necessary for government of a country to levy a compulsory payment on every resident of the country as to provide him with the benefits such as national defense, social security, better standard of living and overall economic growth. In order to achieve such ...
Al Qaeda
Al Qaeda Al Qaeda Introduction Terrorism has sparked much debate around the world. It has been portrayed by media in various ways. Newspapers, television, radio and internet are filled with news and discussions about terrorism. It is the major cause of concern more the whole world. Media has portrayed the terrorism through different ...
White Collar Crime
White Collar Crime White Collar Crime Introduction White Collar Crime comes under the purview of Criminal law. The FBI characterizes it very plainly as “double-dealing, dishonesty, and fraudulence” and it is categorized by the Department of Justice as, non-violent and unlawful actions which predominantly entail conventional conceptions of deceitfulness, con, and illegitimate ...
Negligence And Gross Negligence
Negligence and Gross Negligence Negligence and Gross Negligence Introduction Right from laying the foundation of a business establishment to the completion and the operation of the business, it not only has created a legal representation for all activities that are involved in the realm of business (Darbyshire, 2000). Considering case law and suits ...
Organisation Law
ORGANISATION LAW Organizational Law Organizational Law Part A Introduction The paper is basically divided into two parts, the first covering the role of the directors and also discussing the importance and consequence of the directors of Free Spirit Pty Ltd found in breaching of the director's duty. Therefore, to give the readers a better understanding ...
Organizational Law
ORGANIZATIONAL LAW Organizational Law Organizational Law Introduction The author basically covering the aspect of organizational law, and thus paper is divided into two parts. The first part of the paper mainly focusing on the job roles of the directors of the Free Spirit Pty Ltd. The scenario presented is very much critical and ...
Commercial Law
Commercial Law COMMERCIAL LAW PART A. Introduction The law of agency is comprised of dealing in commercial law with a group of quasi-contractual, contractual and non-contractual relationships which involves people who are known as agents. These agents are given the authority of acting on behalf of someone else, which is called the principal, in ...
LAW Hearsay Rule in Queensland Hearsay Rule in Queensland Critically consider the hearsay rule and its exceptions in Queensland, including important doctrinal changes over the past few decades. In light of the rationale for its existence, has the hearsay rule outlived its usefulness? Has the rule (and the numerous common law and ...
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