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Assignment on Law

Law finds immense application in our lives and is hardly limited to any single domain. Writing a law assignment is therefore a hefty task given the broad expanse and scope of the field. This section of Researchomatic has been specifically designed for students and researchers to shed light on the common law practices, legal careers, and legal designs and most importantly on different case notes.

Criminal Procedure
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Hypothetical Assignment - Criminal Procedure and Sentencing [Institute's Name] Hypothetical Assignment - Criminal Procedure and Sentencing Introduction The safety and well being of mankind has always been a deep concern since the inception of the world and with each respective era mankind has employed numerous manners and techniques to ensure the well being ...
Law - Legal Issues
LAW - LEGAL ISSUES Case Study Case Study Question 1 In accord to Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) section13, an agreement of insurance is a contractual based, which emphasizes mostly on the assurance and it is indirect in such a convention that involving concerned party to take action towards the other party, ...
JURISPRUDENCE Jurisprudence [Writer's institution]Jurisprudence Introduction Throughout the history, men have faced issues that have raised controversial debates. The concept of liberty and the extent to which an individual and an entity is allowed to exercise their will is still not defined. The theories of sociology like that of social contract would define the role ...
Regulatory Guides
REGULATORY GUIDES Australian Securities & Investment Commission Australian Securities & Investment Commission Introduction The ASIC 'Australian Securities & Investments Commission' is an autonomous commonwealth body held by the government. ASIC functions its regulations in the financial sector through controls over the financial services. The functionality that the ASIC recognizes and administers is under its ...
LAW Commercial and Corporations Law Commercial and Corporations Law Introduction Citizens rely upon governments and regulators to protect them from harm, and understandably look for compensation when public authorities fail to deliver. The courts face a delicate task — balancing the discharge of public obligations with the rights and interests of individual members ...
Managing Criminal Justice Organizations
Managing Criminal Justice Organizations Managing Criminal Justice Organizations Since the September 11 attacks, airport security has significantly changed and further strengthened to prevent possible terrorist's attacks. The measure has been taken to cut down the risk, and threats emerging from terrorists activities. One of the measures is the adoption of biometric ...
Ethics In Law-Enforcement
ETHICS IN LAW-ENFORCEMENT Ethics in Law Enforcement Ethics in Law Enforcement Introduction The law enforcers are often in contact with the most troubled life of people in emergency situations, in the worst days of every citizen, with citizens who commit crimes in conflict resolution situations, problems, making prevail in many cases the ...
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment Sexual Harassment Introduction Sexual harassment has been a part of our society for far too long. The act can be defined as coercion, intimidation and bullying originating from a sexual nature. It is also perceived as the unwelcome and inappropriate promise of rewards, and or, benefits in exchange for sexual favors. It ...
Project: Officer Joe - Paper 6
Project: Officer Joe - Paper 6 Project: Officer Joe - Paper 6 Introduction As a manager in a criminal justice agency, it is my duty to ensure that all my subordinates are medically and psychologically fit for duty. If, for any reason, they make an incorrect decision that affects the safety and ...
Commercial And Corporations Law
Commercial and Corporations Law Commercial and Corporations Law Introduction The objective aspect of negligence is formed by three features: 1) public dangerous acts in the form of an act or omission failure or improper execution of official duties due to fraud, 2) socially dangerous consequences in the form major damage, and 3) ...
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