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Assignment on Law

Law finds immense application in our lives and is hardly limited to any single domain. Writing a law assignment is therefore a hefty task given the broad expanse and scope of the field. This section of Researchomatic has been specifically designed for students and researchers to shed light on the common law practices, legal careers, and legal designs and most importantly on different case notes.

Fundamentals Of Business Law
FUNDAMENTALS OF BUSINESS LAW Fundamentals of Business Law Introduction A partnership is an association or alliance involving two or more individuals with an outlook to make the most of earnings. The partners may form partnership at individual level or at organizational level. The rights and responsibilities of the affiliation are administered by ...
LAW Adversarial and inquisitorial procedures according to U.K law Adversarial and inquisitorial procedures according to U.K law Role of defence lawyer in adversarial and inquisitorial proceedings Adversarial and inquisitorial proceedings are two major types of proceedings in the courts of United Kingdom. In both proceedings the role of defence lawyer is very much ...
Company And Financial Law
COMPANY AND FINANCIAL LAW Company and Financial Law Company and Financial Law Case 1: Advice Is what A did in conflict with Director's duties? No, what A has done is not in conflict with the Director's duties. According to the director's duties act, it is necessary for the directors to stay ...
R. Williams Construction Co. V. Oshrc
R. Williams Construction co. V. OSHRC R. Williams Construction Co. v. OSHRC 1. What was the legal issue in this case? Legal Issue On the laws and regulations of Occupational Safety and Health Act, this case was based. These regulations of OSHA are implemented to help decrease the injuries and death at ...
Evidence Course Work
Evidence Course Work Table of Contents Introduction2 Discussion3 Fundamental Legal Position of Child Witnesses:3 R V Wallwork:5 Changes and Practices:7 Current Trends:11 Conclusion14 Bibliography16 Books16 Journals16 Cases16 Statutes17 Evidence Course Work Introduction Children and minors are always deemed to be persons who have limited abilities and capacities to carry out legal activities; hence they are protected by the law in many situations and cases. One of ...
Constructive Trustee And Express Trustee
Constructive Trustee and Express Trustee Constructive Trustee and Express Trustee Constructive Trustee and Expressive Trustee Question The word “trust” in section 5 of the Trustee Act 1925 (NSW) includes implied and constructive trusts. Further the legislation also prescribes that references to the “trustee” has a meaning corresponding with that of “trust”. Does this mean ...
Corporation Law - Legal Issues
Corporation Law - Legal Issues [Name of the Instructor] [Name of the Institute] Corporation Law - Legal Issues Introduction to the Case no. 1 Nicola is concern about legal issues. Nicola and May are two business partners, operating second-hand books shop, located in leased premises. They also have two employees working in their shop. However, ...
LAW Consumer Credit Coursework [Institute's Name]Consumer Credit Coursework Introduction It seems as though, Fury has become the facet of a person's everyday life in the modern society. But a naïve yet cognitive mind is bound to query the pivotal causes of the ever increasing furies. The most pertinent response in this regard that ...
Personal And Business Ethics
Personal and Business Ethics Business Law; Personal vs. Business Ethics - Premise Personal vs. business ethics distinction Ethics is the branch of philosophy that studies the moral behavior of humans. What we know is that is divided into three: professional ethics, business and personal. Business ethics is based on normative ethics, standards ...
Synthesis Of Research Problem, Method, And Design
Synthesis of Research Problem, Method, and Design Synthesis of Research Problem, Method, and Design Quantitative Research Quantitative research follow the positivist tradition of research, there is an 'objective, associated with an external world that exists independently with human perception, which is amenable to quantitative measurement'. For the positivist there is a single truth ...
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