Personal And Business Ethics

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Personal and Business Ethics

Business Law; Personal vs. Business Ethics - Premise

Personal vs. business ethics distinction

Ethics is the branch of philosophy that studies the moral behavior of humans. What we know is that is divided into three: professional ethics, business and personal. Business ethics is based on normative ethics, standards that ethics are upheld and applied specific to distinguish what is right or wrong, that is to say what should be done or should not be fact. However, with few exceptions, business ethicists are generally not interested in the foundations of ethics (meta-ethics) or the justification of principles. Ethical principles show more concerned with practical matters, and any obligation specific practice that may apply to the activity and the relationship economical. Therefore, business ethics is generally regarded as one of the forms of applied ethics in a specific field that examines rules and principles of ethics in the context of business economic and commercial; various issues moral or ethical that appear in the context of the activity economic of men and any duty or obligation to any person engaged in the activities of trade and commerce (Roger, 2010).

Personal ethics involves honesty, truth, sympathy and loyalty, benevolence, kindness, justice and rights as values ??that have to take action on a daily basis. It gives us principles and guidelines to provide a guide to our behavior is a normative science and that the difference in other sciences. In some respects the personal ethics collides with psychology, because both studying social behavior. Personal ethics is the decision you as an individual or as a person makes the choice to choose good or bad choice, according to the values ??and the formation of each person.

Personal and business ethics overlap

Personal and business ethics do overlap each other. The combination of both ethics paves way for ...
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