If Drugs Are Bad Then Why Is Nana Smoking Marijuana?

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If drugs are bad then why is Nana smoking Marijuana?

If drugs are bad then why is Nana smoking Marijuana?


Marijuana for medicinal purposes called the therapeutic use of drugs known as a drug. The pharmacological effects of Marijuana have recently moved into the focus of much medical research. Many studies suggest that considerable potential drug in the pain, in depression and in many diseases such as cancer, AIDS and other life threatening diseases, the use of Marijuana is often prescribed by the doctors and physicians.

The medical use of Marijuana remains subject to controversy in the United States, where federal authorities continue to maintain their opposition to any therapeutic use of the Marijuana drug. Furthermore, the Food and Drug Administration has issued a statement in 2006, recalling that it has not approved marijuana as a medicine, and an assessment carried out by several government agencies concluded that there is not enough proof that has encourage the usage of this drug as a medical treatment in the United States. The American Medical Association, recommending the continuation of Marijuana among controlled substances, calls for rigorous studies on the use of the substance and other Marijuana substance for the treatment of patients (National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2002).

On the other hand, Marijuana in recent years has become a very common problem in the world. Its sale is prohibited and punishable by law, but, despite this, it is being used and sell by many countries. Especially young generation and teenagers are using this drug as a trend in the society. The main problem in the use of marijuana is a lack of awareness of people about the consequences that the drug has some harmful drawbacks as well. Many do not even consider marijuana a drug, but do not realize how much they are mistaken.

Laws against Marijuana

In the medical field there is an unstable consensus that marijuana can be useful in the treatment of certain well-defined conditions. For example, in his comprehensive review of the U.S. Institute of Medicine committee found that Marijuana can be comparatively useful in reducing pain (especially neuropathic), increase desire for food in AIDS patients with wasting syndrome, and also controls effectively the nausea and vomiting occur through chemotherapy in cancer patients. Marijuana is the bane of modern humanity. It is being used, smoked, sell, and offered in almost all corners of the world. Today, storage, distribution and use of marijuana are strictly prohibited by law. But for some reason this does not stop the thrill.

In California, the Compassionate Use Act, approved by voters in state elections in 1996, endorsing the legalization of medical marijuana for the treatment of major diseases. According to the new California law, the use of Marijuana as a medicine is being allowed on the basis of doctor's oral or written prescription. Among the conditions considered eligible by law are listed arthritis, cachexia , cancer , chronic pain, HIV or AIDS , epilepsy , migraines and multiple sclerosis ...