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Violence and Violent Tendencies

Violence and Violent Tendencies

Scenario 1

The major risks for violence offending in this scenario is that the man in blue (Tom) who has had too much to drink is now not in his sober frame of mind to think clearly. His objective mode of thinking has been compromised by severe intoxication and the need to be supportive of his favorite football team further fuels the requirement to stand up for what he believes is patriotic support.

The second major risk for violence offending is the fact that he is being supported in this behavioral mode of his by his mates who are also drunk and therefore they are also compromised in their faculties of thought and reasoning and hence will not be able to provide a reasonable source of council for Tom (Miller, 2005).

The likelihood of violence is displayed in the fact that when he states that “Something should be done.” This behavior will be amplified by the fact that alcohol has a very numbing effect on fear, apprehension and pain, hence the person who is intoxicated might feel much more confident to take the matter in his own hands without first judging the consequences to see if what is being done is indeed reasonable or not. Personal variables include Tom's support of the blue team and his desire to see them prosper and win every encounter with other team.

Situational variables include the fact that he is intoxicated and that he is surrounding by his friends who are also intoxicated just fuels the need for Tom to flare up and resort to violent tendencies. A Personal variable that may help make violence less likely is the fact that Tom is an educated adult and if his reasonable judgment overpowers his alcoholic state, he will not resort to violence. Situation variable that will reduce the chance of violence is the fact that the Bartender insist on limiting Tom's alcoholic intake in order to curb his violent tendencies (Miller, 2005).

Scenario 2

The major risks for violence offence in this scenario are that the boys are teenagers. The teenage years of a man's life are often the most tumultuous years which are fueled by Testosterone production and hormonal fluctuation that causes boys to make harsh and spontaneous decisions at time that may have no judgmental or reasonable factor in it (Greer, 2003, pp.80-82). These boys are also in the presence of ...
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