Sex and Violence - Affecting our Children's Behavior
With increase in violence in media and multiple forms of entertainment, our children are viewing violent acts on the regular basis (Vul'fson 52-64). Violent acts haven't been viewed by public forever either, just recently since rise in TV and internet media has become easier to broadcast to the broad range of people. “Indeed, six medical and public health professional organizations held the Congressional Public Health Summit on July 26, 2000, and issued the Joint Statement on Impact of Entertainment Violence on Children.” This statement noted that, “Entertainment violence can lead to increases in aggressive attitudes, values, and behavior, particularly in children.”. Although this was around eight years ago, issue with violence in media is still affecting way today's children acts. Today violence is just the part of everyday activity, flip on TV to watch news and there is another homicide, or robbery. Our society has impression that violence can solve problems (Farrar Marina Kristine 387-405).
Hurting Our Children With Sex And Violence
Countless mothers and fathers put their children in front of television so they can have time to themselves. As the result, kids are subjected to unnecessary media violence. This violence has the great effect on children's lives. impact of television violence on children behavior has been an issue for many years. Television stations and their managers tend to refute television's input to children violence. Unfortunately, there is the positive correlation between television viewing and violence. This provides one possible explanation for shocking rise in violence on Americas' school campuses. Communications technology is expanding through entire global community (Los Sharon 293-328). Children everywhere are being born into the world of images and messages, which are largely separated from their home, school and spiritual lives. With increase of violent and sexual content shown on T.V. and in media our children are more susceptible to commit the violent or sexual crime because of the few reasons including the habit of imitating what you see in mainstream media, the lack of parenting, and limited ability to judge what is right and wrong.
As modern day media grew, more sex and violence began being shown in media. Some of reasons media grew were with increase in technology. Technology improvement like TV becoming the household item was biggest turning point for violence in media. Prior to every household having the TV newspaper was only source of media that people had, good thing is that images and news were kept in check. Homicides and violent acts were not seen by children before invention of TV. Not only are video games contributing to huge problem that world has with children violence but TV is probably worse.
Our children try to take these actions to playground at school and next thing you know they are doing wrestling moves on each other at recess (Eschholz Jana 55). Only positive thing that could come out of media violence is that children gets used to seeing violence at the young age and learns what is right ...