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Hearsay Rule in Queensland

Hearsay Rule in Queensland

Critically consider the hearsay rule and its exceptions in Queensland, including important doctrinal changes over the past few decades. In light of the rationale for its existence, has the hearsay rule outlived its usefulness? Has the rule (and the numerous common law and statutory exceptions) become too complex and technical? Or, does the hearsay rule continue to perform an important filtering role, helping to ensure the integrity of evidentiary material put before the courts?


Under hearsay rule, a witness can not testify about statements made out of court. Essentially, this means that he can not testify as to what anyone thought that, or outside in the court room. The premise behind the rule is that hearsay evidence is unreliable people and casual statements made are not necessarily true and should not be submitted as evidence in a court of law. Under the common law system, such evidence can not be presented to a judge or a jury in a criminal or civil formal, but can be presented in pretrial proceedings. The civil law system is weaker on hearsay evidence that the common law system, giving judges more latitude to consider hearsay evidence in deciding a case.

Hearsay is a type of indirect evidence. It is "what we know to be heard 455 Footnotes page "is what a person reported to have heard or have learned by a person, she, witnessed or eye or ear 456 Footnotes pages. The Administrative Court, Master of the procedure, can accommodate any evidence, even indirect. There is no doubt that the evidence hearsay is admissible in court as long as the principles of natural justice are respected (Ross, Warren & McGough, 1999).


The Hearsay Rule in Queensland

Hearsay is admissible and admitted without difficulty before the Board 463 Footnotes page. However, if the hearsay is the sole or primary evidence, counsel better indicate how this evidence could convince 464 Footnotes page. In Australia, we have almost all the same dream: to buy a van, a car or 4x4, and set out to conquer the road to tour the continent. But before turning to leave the senses with the crazy freedom, you have to buy the vehicle especially unravel the complexities of Registration.

The Hearsay Rule Has Not Outlived Its Usefulness

What is the Registration?

The "rego" as they say, is a little like our late thumbnail French: it is a document that identifies your vehicle and includes third party insurance, which covers you if you ever have the misfortune to overthrow someone (be careful, this insurance only covers injuries to a third person, but not the damage if you stamp out a car for example - for this you will need private insurance). The rego, which translates into a sticker on the windshield, is required to drive in Australia, she moved from owner to owner at the time of sale / purchase of a vehicle, and must be renewed when it arrives expired. So far, everything seems so simple and logical, you ...
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