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Assignment on Law

Law finds immense application in our lives and is hardly limited to any single domain. Writing a law assignment is therefore a hefty task given the broad expanse and scope of the field. This section of Researchomatic has been specifically designed for students and researchers to shed light on the common law practices, legal careers, and legal designs and most importantly on different case notes.

POLICY Policy Change Policy Change Introduction The policies under consideration in this essay are the housing and education policy. Both the policies are of significant importance to the general population in the UK and the government. The tax revenues help the government in allocating the expenditures to the formulation of these policies. As it ...
Criminal Justice System
Criminal Justice System Criminal Justice System Question1. Law enforcement officials are individuals that are involved in activities with regards to taking care and providing protection to the general public through maintenance of law and order. It involves all the activities ranging from prevention, detection to investigation of crime so that the criminal could ...
The Scope And Application Of Jus Cogens
The Scope and Application of Jus Cogens The Scope and Application of Jus Cogens Introduction The aim of this assignment is to discuss the scope and application of jus cogens. Jus cogens include the mandatory standards for international law generally. This concept is defined by the Vienna Convention of 23 May 1969, ...
LAW Business Letter Business Letter Undue Influence There are various forms of getting people induced into a contract. One of the illegal ways in which a person can be induced into a Contract is to exert undue influence on the other party. Whenever a contract is entered through exerting pressure on the ...
Unequal Protection
Unequal Protection Unequal Protection Introduction The criminal Justice System of United States has faced numerous challenges regarding unfair treatment of individuals presented in court. It has been a recurring issue in judiciary institutions and has attracted numerous public scrutiny and scholarly critics. It is examined that although the country has made noteworthy advancements ...
Strain Theory
Strain Theory Strain Theory Introduction Criminology is considered to a study that tends to change constantly on the basis of economic, spiritual as well as political concerns of any society. As the changes in societal climates are witnessed, many theories tend to come to light and then fade away. In this context, it ...
Children's Bill Of Rights
Children's Bill of Rights Children's Bill of Rights Introduction Every young person has the right to look forward to the globe that he will be an element of to be improved than the world his parents were an element of when they were kids. Children should have the constitutional rights to look ...
Court Systems
Court Systems Adversarial System of Justice All systems are perfect in some areas and imperfect in other areas. Same is with Adversarial system of justice. Adversarial systems are mostly used in US. In Adversarial system there are two advocates representing their parties in front of judge or group of judges. In ...
Law-Legal Issues
LAW-LEGAL ISSUES HA3021 Corporations Law HA3021 Corporations Law Answer 1 Corporate law can be regarded as the set of legal rules governing corporate life from birth (called creation) to death (liquidation), through different stages such as the increase capital, merger with other company, etc. It applies to commercial companies including corporation, limited ...
Law Assignment
Law Assignment Case Study One: Part A: Issue: Whether Elizabeth is a resident of Australia for the year ended 30th June 2012 or not? Law: Section 6-5 ITAA 1997 Section 6-1 ITAA 1936 FCT v Applegate (1979) 9 ART 899 FCT v Jenkins (1982) 12 ATR 745 Application: The definition of resident is given in S6(1) under four types of test. The ...
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