Strain Theory

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Strain Theory

Strain Theory


Criminology is considered to a study that tends to change constantly on the basis of economic, spiritual as well as political concerns of any society. As the changes in societal climates are witnessed, many theories tend to come to light and then fade away. In this context, it is considered that the theory of strain is one theory which could be pushed aside. However, a strain theory with the name of strain theory had been proposed by Robert Agnew (Agnew, R. 2006). Generally, in sociological terms, the theory of strain is referred to the pressure of the social structure within a society, which is felt by the citizens and eventually leads them to the committing of crime. However, numerous theorists of the modern have provided two divisions of the theory of strain. These may include structural as well as individual theories of strain. The structural theory is generally referred to the procedure at the societal level, which is filtered down and tends to the affect the perceptions of an individual as well as its needs.

This means that due to societal regulations, an individual is forced to revolt to other means of attaining its objectives. There is a high probability of this measure to be of a criminal kind. In addition to that, there is also a theory which concentrates on the individuals. This theory mainly revolves around the experiences of an individual. The sufferings as well as the pain, which has been experienced by an individual in the process of achieving its personal objectives, are highlighted in this theory. It is important to note that in most of the cases this turns out to be illegal as the individual then focuses on the means of attaining what the society regards as highly desirable, without even concentrating on the means or the method adopted of achieving this objective. It had been argued by a renowned author named Robert Agnew, that the negative relations of an individual are confirmed with frustration and anger (Agnew, R. 2006).

In addition to that, these things generally arise because of a failure of achieving the desired result. In such cases, the individual tends to remove the positive stimuli from its nature and negative stimuli is witnessed in the form of strain and frustration, which eventually sums up in a criminal activity, which is neither approved not permitted by the society. For individuals in such cases, there are nature things involved which promote this kind of behavior. The most prominent and the most argued upon is the notion of frustration. However, there are other notions involved as well which may include the social support, temperament, interpersonal skills, intelligence, anti social nature, etc. there are various other elements which may enhance this kind of behavior and there are numerous suggestions provided to the parents to control this element in the initial stages of a child's life.


The awareness of the theory of strain is increasing significantly in the modern world. There are numerous examples of this ...
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