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Policy Change

Policy Change


The policies under consideration in this essay are the housing and education policy. Both the policies are of significant importance to the general population in the UK and the government. The tax revenues help the government in allocating the expenditures to the formulation of these policies. As it involves the money of the taxpayer, the government has to justify the budget that it allocates to these sectors. The policies have to be designed in such a way that it leads to the betterment of society. The terms of housing is looked over by the domain of private rented consumer service (PRCS). The PRCS is a merger of three Major Conservative reforms in the year 1953, 1972 and 1980. The relaxed execution of housing policy has been in the favor of the conservative policies as they were in power for three times longer period in the second half of the century. Housing is essential to human needs as it ensures the survival. The availability of housing, affordability and quality of construction affect both the optimum flow of the economic and societal health, well being and sustainability. The policy regarding housing has been directed to the wrong direction, undermined and not properly developed. The policy has been linked with ideal scenarios, such as the desire to home ownership, or short term management of sudden crisis. There has been no long term or well planned objectives for the housing policy and a sustainable strategy for the long or medium term. The recent changes in the economic, social and political spheres have caused a lot of doubt in the housing choices available particularly for the younger people. The recession has been a major factor that has led to challenges such as the unavailibity of credit and high unemployment amongst the youth.

Education is an important driver for the economic progress and the well being of a society. It is important to note that the education policy has also been undermined by the recent economic recession. Effectiveness, efficiency and value for money are the main points that have to be considered for the higher education sector. The decisions taken by the government will have an impact on the funds for teaching. The possible drivers of the changes in the policy can be the feeling to do something, which is a goal of every government. The ideology and values of society support the changes in the education system to improve the learning amongst the people. Internationally there is a competition of which country has the most talented workforce as intelligence plays a key role in the economic progress. The creativity and innovation is necessary as it leads to enhancement in the future. Cost is also one of the factors that have to be kept in mind in the current scenario as recession has affected the economy in general. The government has to keep retain its popularity and the education policy is one of the ways to do ...
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