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Research Papers on Psychology

Psychology is a field that studies the mental structure of an individual that causes him to act and think in the way he does. Finding a research material for preparing a research paper is very time consuming. For the reason Researchomatic is presenting numerous research papers on psychology to help out students and professionals. These research papers will give them ideas on how to write a good psychology research paper.

Literature Review Of Leadership
LITERATURE REVIEW OF LEADERSHIP Literature Review of Leadership Styles Literature Review of Leadership Styles Introduction Leadership is a concept used in many different contexts with an array of meanings. Accordingly, there is a lack of common understanding as to what leadership is and what constitutes good leadership. In fact, a Google search ...
Smoking And Cardiac Disease
SMOKING AND CARDIAC DISEASE Smoking and Cardiac Disease Smoking Cigarette and Cardiac Disease Introduction Life is beautiful! God has given us a beautiful life. It is the duty of an individual to be respectful for this unique gift that God has given to us. There are certain factors that may appear very attractive ...
Humanistic Psychology
HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY Humanistic Psychology Table of contents INTRODUCTION3 CONTRIBUTION4 INFLUENCE7 LIMITATIONS OF HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY IN WORKPLACE8 STRENGTHS9 WEAKNESSES10 CONCLUSION10 REFERENCES12 Humanistic Psychology Introduction Humanistic psychology emerged in the 1950s as a reaction to behaviorism and psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis studied the behavior influenced by unconscious motivations while behaviorism focused on the conditioning process that drove behavior. Humanistic psychology thinkers that behaviorism and psychoanalysis were too pessimist ...
Substance Abuse
SUBSTANCE ABUSE Substance Abuse Table of Contents Introduction1 Symptoms1 Suicide2 Mental illness2 Central nervous system effects2 Epidemiology2 Society and culture3 Legalities3 Cost4 Treatment5 Pharmacological therapy5 Conclusion6 References7 Substance Abuse Introduction Substance abuse is also known as drug abuse which is a pattern of the usage of any kind of drugs or alcohol which makes a user dependent on its use for survival. This term has different definitions ...
Sleep Deprivation
SLEEP DEPRIVATION Sleep Deprivation, Disorders and Drugs Sleep Deprivation, Disorders and Drugs Introduction Lack of sleep has existed since the dawn of time. It is clearly more common in our time it has ever been. The demands of modern life, the sacrifices made to "career development", the feeling of not having ...
PSYCHOLOGY Psychological Testing and Assessment Selection Psychological Testing and Assessment Selection Introduction The requirement and usage of assessment instruments has become an integral part of clinical setting in today's era of enhanced accountability and high stakes decision making. With the development of new testing techniques and tools, the need for their availability and the ...
Domestic Violence
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Domestic violence and sexual abuse Domestic violence and sexual abuse Introduction Domestic violence and sexual abuse are any action or omission starring the members who comprise the group family, this can be by marriage, blood or affiliation and transformed into aggressors relations between them causing damage to physical, psychological, sexual, economic or ...
Stress Management
STRESS MANAGEMENT Stress Effects and Management Stress Effects and Management Introduction Stress is an emotional disorder that manifests itself by a feeling of insecurity. Stress is characterized by feelings of apprehension, tension, uneasiness and terror faced with the risk of indeterminate nature. It is often expressed by the patient in terms of nervousness ...
PTSD Why do people suffer from PTSD Abstract PTSD (PostTraumatic Stress Disorder) is an illness, which is usually classified as an anxiety disorder and it is considered to develop terribly frightening, or highly unsafe experience. This paper studies the fact that how PTSD can affect human lives, what are the major factors ...
Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy
COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL FAMILY THERAPY Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy Introduction Families represent one of the most important contexts for human relationships. Although individuals experience many types of relationships during their lifetimes, both lay persons and experts in the field generally agree that family relationships are among the most influential and complicated. For instance, there ...
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