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Research Papers on Psychology

Psychology is a field that studies the mental structure of an individual that causes him to act and think in the way he does. Finding a research material for preparing a research paper is very time consuming. For the reason Researchomatic is presenting numerous research papers on psychology to help out students and professionals. These research papers will give them ideas on how to write a good psychology research paper.

Bipolar Disorder
BIPOLAR DISORDER Bipolar Disorder Abstract The paper explains about the Bipolar disorder which is known as manic depression is a medical problem which causes psychological problem and causes in serious brain illness. Thus, the name bipolar suggests the opposite changes of mood on the opposite pole that is happy or sad, and down ...
Cognitive Psychology
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY Cognitive Psychology Cognitive Psychology Introduction Cognition psychology is the branch of psychology that is concern with the mental process of the living thing. However, this mental process is connected with the concentration, generating remembering and understanding language, ability of solving problems, and finally making decisions. In short, this psychology basically focused ...
Sexual Assault
SEXUAL ASSAULT Sexual Assault Abstract Sexual assault is the problem of most part of the world, especially the most of the part of the United States. This study provides clear understanding about the reasons and causes of the sexual assault. After discussing this, the paper discuses the some of the prevention and ...
Five General Perspectives On Human Behavior
FIVE GENERAL PERSPECTIVES ON HUMAN BEHAVIOR Five General Perspectives on Human Behavior Five General Perspectives on Human Behavior “The human experience involves five general perspectives on human behavior? each of which emphasizes different factors. These are the biological? learning? sociocultural? cognitive? and psychodynamic perspectives. This paper delineates how each of these perspectives ...
Crisis Intervention
CRISIS INTERVENTION Crisis intervention: Dealing with the death of a loved one Crisis intervention: Dealing with the death of a loved one Introduction The death of a loved one, whether or not sudden and / or unexpected, is one of major life crises, death of a spouse is the most urgent crisis may affect ...
Learning Behaviors
LEARNING BEHAVIORS Children Learning Behaviors Abstract This paper will discuss children behaviors. Relation to this topic we have focused more on learning behaviors and cognitive disorders. These are responsible for learning and behavior. We have also discussed factors which affect learning and behavior of child with epilepsy. For this research project we ...
Participative Leadership
PARTICIPATIVE LEADERSHIP Participative Leadership Participative Leadership Introduction Participative leaders “consult with employees, ask for their suggestions, and take their ideas into consideration before making decisions” and this process leads employees to believe that “they have an opportunity to discuss problems and influence organizational decisions” (Chen & Tjosvold, 2006, P. 1728). People-based leaders listen ...
Criminal Justice Management
CRIMINAL JUSTICE MANAGEMENT Motivation and morale Motivation and morale Introduction “Crime is a logical extension of the sort of behavior that is often considered perfectly respectable in legitimate business”. Robert Rice, the Business of Crime. Recent revisions on theories had always heated the debates about the causes and the effects of motivation and morale ...
Drug Addiction Rehabilitation
DRUG ADDICTION REHABILITATION Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Abstract In this study we try to explore the concept of “Drug Addiction Rehabilitation” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Drug Addiction Rehabilitation” and its relation with “addicts”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Drug Addiction Rehabilitation” and tries to ...
The Psychological Effects Of Poverty On A Low Income Family
The Psychological Effects of Poverty on a Low Income Family The Psychological Effects of Poverty on a Low Income Family Why I Chose to Write on My Topic My choice of topic is psychological effects of poverty on a low income family, because I believe that even though United States is one ...
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