Bipolar Disorder

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Bipolar Disorder


The paper explains about the Bipolar disorder which is known as manic depression is a medical problem which causes psychological problem and causes in serious brain illness. Thus, the name bipolar suggests the opposite changes of mood on the opposite pole that is happy or sad, and down or up. It is said that this disorder is not easy to notice, some people suffered years before they are actually diagnosed and treated for this disorder. An individual suffering from this disease does not always suffer from manic or depression, each of these lasts for some interval of time, the duration of t after the stroke the person feels healthy again, as if he does not has any bipolar disorder.

Table of Contents



Bipolar Disorder1

Heredity Condition3

The symptoms of bipolar disorder4

Diagnosis of bipolar disorder4

Treatment of bipolar disorder4


Atypical antipsychotic medications5

Antidepressant prescriptions5


Cognitive behavioral therapy6

Family-focused therapy6

Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy6

Psycho education7

Coping with a high7

Reduce stimulation7



Bipolar Disorder


Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder which is known as manic depression is a medical problem which causes psychological problem and causes in serious brain illness. This disorder usually changes the mood of the people. There are two phases of the mood that people undergo. It can be said that people sometimes feel happy and contented, and tends to be more enthusiastic and excited. This mood or the phase of the depression is known as “mania”. Similarly, sometime people feel very down in the dumps and miserable, and act as being in passive. This mood phase of the disorder is known as “Depression”. It is quite evident that people suffers through a sudden change in their mood, energy and behavior this is all because of bipolar disorder. Thus, the name bipolar suggests the opposite changes of mood on the opposite pole that is happy or sad, and down or up.

Manic Depressive Illness

Bipolar disorder is referred to as manic depressive illness because this brain disorder stimulate to have frequent shifting of unusual moods, liveliness, and enthusiasm level in the person's daily routine who are suffering from this disorder. Bipolar disorder has very rigorous and relentless symptoms. This system are different from those activities and changes in the mood of a normal person, though it is quite obvious that every person in hi daily routine undergoes through the frequent mood fluctuations, because of any odd or even happenings (Neuman, 1997). This disorder results in ruining many relationships as well, and also resulted in termination from the job, people commit suicides and low performance of children in academic and co-curricular activities. Although, this disorder have many negative effects on an individual's life, but the disorder can be treated, and the individuals going through this disorder can be treated and he can lead his life in a productive manner. Bipolar disorder does not have any age restriction; an individual of any age can be suffered from this disorder, but mostly it occurs in teenagers or individual in their early adult years (Snow, 2005).

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