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Research Papers on Psychology

Psychology is a field that studies the mental structure of an individual that causes him to act and think in the way he does. Finding a research material for preparing a research paper is very time consuming. For the reason Researchomatic is presenting numerous research papers on psychology to help out students and professionals. These research papers will give them ideas on how to write a good psychology research paper.

Gender, Depression, And Suicide
GENDER, DEPRESSION, AND SUICIDE Gender, Depression, and Suicide Abstract The purpose of this study is to find out the degree to which gender plays a role in the mental health problems and depression which lead to suicide. Traditionally it is perceived that the women go through the state of depression more frequently and ...
What Affect Does Growing Up In A Single Parent Home Have On A Female Child?
What affect does growing up in a single parent home have on a female child? Introduction Every child has two places where the child spends most of his time during his childhood. These two places are school and home. At school teachers are responsible for the educational development of the child. On ...
Learned Helplessness
LEARNED HELPLESSNESS Learned Helplessness Learned Helplessness Introduction Learned helplessness was first studied and described as an animal's failure to escape traumatic electric shock. (Bargai, 2007) Although learned helplessness was first studied in laboratory animals, here we are discussing the theory as it applies to people. The theory describes what happens when a ...
Existential Psychotherapy
EXISTENTIAL PSYCHOTHERAPY Existential Psychotherapy Existential Psychotherapy Introduction The main purpose of this paper is to summarize the Yalom's book of 1980 Existential Psychotherapy. Existential Psychotherapy, the book was conceived by me last summer as holiday reading. When I picked up from the bookstore, the headlines that jumped me, in the eye at first ...
Adult Development
ADULT DEVELOPMENT Adult Development Stages of Adult Development Introduction The stage of adult development carries a lot of value, and, it carries lots of importance. Theories of adult development, which are premised, on the belief that their meaning systems shape the experience and organize the thinking, feelings, and acting of people. These ...
Traumatic Brain Injuries
TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURIES Traumatic Brain Injuries Abstract The current study examined the utilization of precision teaching with students who have sustained a traumatic brain injury. This study is important because there are increasing numbers of students in our schools who have received such injuries. The results of an injury may cause a ...
Spss Analysis
SPSS ANALYSIS SPSS Analysis SPSS Analysis One sample t-test A one-sample t test is a hypothesis test for determining whether the mean of a population is different from some known (test) value. The researcher begins by selecting a sample of observations from the population of interest and estimates the population mean by calculating the ...
Autism Spectrum Disorders
AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS Autism Spectrum Disorders Table of Contents Introduction3 Discussion3 Clinical Features4 Epidemiology6 Clinical Course6 Etiology and Pathogenesis8 Assessment8 Differential Diagnosis and Comorbidity9 Treatment9 Complementary and Alternative Treatments10 Conclusions10 References12 Appendix13 Autism Spectrum Disorders Introduction Autism is a developmental disorder of the human mind. People with autism have problems interacting socially and communicating with others. In 1943, Kanner described 11 children who manifested “extreme affective aloneness” and ...
Brain Structure
BRAIN STRUCTURE The Brain Structure The Brain Structure Introduction The brain floats to protect against outside influences in the cerebrospinal fluid. Enclosed in the brain are three layers of protective membranes that envelop the spinal cord of the central nervous system. The brain itself contains approximately 10 to 10 people in nerve cells, ...
Private Vs. Public Schools
PRIVATE VS. PUBLIC SCHOOLS Private Schools Vs. Public Schools Abstract There is a popular perception that private schools are superior to public schools. It is this perception that, at least in part, has led to the many school-choice proposals across the nation. Despite the pervasiveness of this opinion and these plans, researchers ...
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