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Research Papers on Psychology

Psychology is a field that studies the mental structure of an individual that causes him to act and think in the way he does. Finding a research material for preparing a research paper is very time consuming. For the reason Researchomatic is presenting numerous research papers on psychology to help out students and professionals. These research papers will give them ideas on how to write a good psychology research paper.

Social Learning Theories
Social Learning Theories Social Learning Theories Introduction The normal human transition in cognitive ability from birth to maturity is vast and, as yet, without adequate explanation. During the last century, scientific consensus changed from a view that newborns possess virtually no knowledge of the world or of themselves to a view that ...
Psychoanalytic Approach To Personality
PSYCHOANALYTIC APPROACH TO PERSONALITY Psychoanalytic Approach to Personality Psychoanalytic Approach to Personality Introduction The first stream, in order of historical appearance is the radical behaviorism, Skinner has had as its chief representative, understands human nature subject to conditioning processes, especially operant conditioning, which governs not only overt behavior but also the internal or subjective ...
Media Violence And Aggression In Children
Media Violence and Aggression in Children Media Violence and Aggression in Children Introduction The impact of television and games can be seen as a most debating issue among various social, academic, psychological and legal circles in relation to negative impact of media on children's behavioral pattern (Fisch, 2004). No doubt, TV is a ...
Effects Of Optimistic Thinking
EFFECTS OF OPTIMISTIC THINKING Effects of Optimistic Thinking Effects of Optimistic Thinking Introduction An optimistic outlook on life can truly give a person a better, healthier and greater wellbeing. I am an advocate for optimistic thinking. However, despite negative obstacles that I had to overcome at a young age, I ...
Socialization And Exercise In The Elderly And How It Effects Cognitive Functions
Socialization and Exercise in the Elderly and how it Effects Cognitive Functions [Name of the Institute]Socialization and Exercise in the Elderly and how it Effects Cognitive Functions Introduction Physical exercise has been regarded as a useful non-pharmacological intervention strategy, capable of improving memory and executive roles in older folks having mild cognitive weakening. ...
Effect Of Divorce On Children Under 18
Effect of Divorce on Children Under 18 Abstract The process of divorce starts with the marital dissonance or emotional divorce and ends at serious crises finally in the dissolution the marriage (Pfeffer, 1981). Similarly, studies show that, children whose parents get divorced experience a deep trauma and grief psychologically and mentally that ...
Binge Eating Disorder Should Be Included In The Upcoming Dsm
Binge eating disorder should be included in the upcoming DSM TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction1 Literature review3 Causes Binge-Eating Disorder4 Physiological Characteristics of Binge Eating Disorder5 Age of Onset for Binge Eating Disorder5 Dieting Versus Bingeing First6 Weight and Body Mass Index7 Hunger and Fullness8 Genetic and Psychological Factors Related to Binge Eating Disorder9 Genetic Factors9 Psychological Factors10 Treatment of Binge Eating Disorder11 Pharmacological ...
Student’s Grading For Teachers
Student's grading for teachers Student's grading for teachers Introduction Academic bodies are composed of staff of the institution devoted to academic work. Members of the academic bodies of an institution articulate with them for the effective discharge of its responsibilities. The lecturers have different names in different HEIs: professors or part-time for ...
Facebook And Marital Issues
Facebook and Marital Issues Introduction Mark Zuckerberg founded "The Facebook", initially at, February 3, 2004. Registration was initially restricted to students of Harvard University and the first month, more than half the population of undergraduate at Harvard was registered on the service. Eduardo Saverin (business side), Dustin Moskovitz (programmer), Andrew McCollum ...
Existential Therapy
Existential Therapy Abstract There are existential philosophies which investigate what is fundamental, what constitutes an essence, but they are not reductionist, and the search by Heidegger for the nature of Being is not an attempt to reject complex explanations of human living. On the other hand, in the works of Nietzsche, ...
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