Facebook And Marital Issues

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Facebook and Marital Issues


Mark Zuckerberg founded "The Facebook", initially at thefacebook.com, February 3, 2004. Registration was initially restricted to students of Harvard University and the first month, more than half the population of undergraduate at Harvard was registered on the service. Eduardo Saverin (business side), Dustin Moskovitz (programmer), Andrew McCollum (graphic artist), and Chris Hughes joined Zuckerberg to help promote the site. In March 2004, Facebook expanded to universities Stanford, Columbia and Yale. This expansion continued with the opening of Facebook to Ivy League schools and the region of Boston, and gradually to most universities in Canada and the United States. In June 2004, Facebook establishes its headquarters in Palo Alto in California.

The company has removed the particle "The" from its name after purchasing the domain name facebook.com in 2005 for $ 200 000. It has launched a version for schools in September 2005, which for Zuckerberg, was the next logical step. At that time, to join the network of a high school, it was an invitation. Facebook later expanded its membership to employees of several companies, including Microsoft and Apple. From September 26, 2006, any person at least 13 years with a email address was invalid have an account,. The 13 August 2007, part of the source code of the index page of the site has been hacked and published on the Internet.

The 23 July 2008, Facebook has presented the latest advances its platform during its annual conference for developers, calling its developers, whose number exceeds 400,000, to connect their websites to Facebook via Facebook Connect.

In 2009, Facebook has improved its system of micro-blogging. According to Le Monde, this newness is to defend its market share from competitor to Twitter, which has a strong media coverage.


Why do people begin searching facebook sites to find people from their past? Perhaps they ...
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