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Research Papers on Psychology

Psychology is a field that studies the mental structure of an individual that causes him to act and think in the way he does. Finding a research material for preparing a research paper is very time consuming. For the reason Researchomatic is presenting numerous research papers on psychology to help out students and professionals. These research papers will give them ideas on how to write a good psychology research paper.

Personality Development
Personality Development [Name of the institute]Personality Development Introduction All people living in this world have inherited genes and are influenced by some environmental factors and continuously burgeoning. Development is part of life. Development can be defined as the pattern of change that begins at conception and continues throughout the human life. This development ...
Down Syndrome
Down syndrome Down Syndrome What is Down syndrome Down syndrome is considered to be one of the most common genetic diseases that arise from changes in a number of autosomes. This disease was identified and studied by an English doctor named John Langdon Down in the year 1866. In all patients the disease ...
Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's Disease Introduction Parkinson's disease was first discovered by a British physician named James Parkinson. He published a paper about the disease called "the shaking palsy". Around the early 1960s, researchers found a form of brain damage. This lead to the first treatment for the disease suggesting ways for more ...
Theories On Child Psychology
Theories on Child Psychology Abstract In this research paper, we will first try to define child psychology in a holistic manner. The main focus of the research is on theories relating to child psychology. This research also aims to critically analyze factors such as environmental, biological factors and congenital factors which have ...
Effects Of Television On Children
Effects of Television on Children Abstract Television is the most important and effective medium of communication for marketers and many companies. With the growing technology, the importance of TV has also been increasing from past two decades. It is one of the most significant tools of making profits and grows business as ...
Drugging And Driving
DRUGGING AND DRIVING Drugging and Driving Drugging and Driving Introduction Have one [drink] for the road” was once a commonly used phrase in American culture. It has only been within the past 25 years that as a Nation, we have begun to recognize the dangers associated with drunk driving. And through a ...
Developmental Theories
DEVELOPMENTAL THEORIES Developmental theories Abstract In this study we try to explore the field of psychology in the context of developmental theories. The research paper includes the summary and comprehensive analyses of three major developmental theories like psychoanalytic perspective, John Watson and Classical Conditioning and, Albert Bandua and Social-Cognitive theory. The main ...
Stress Stress Today's fast paced competitive world holds many challenges for us. These challenges of modern life sometimes get to us and cause stress on a regular basis. A person can be stressed out about anything i.e. work, personal life, goals etc. Every individual faces some kind of stress in life. However, ...
Effectiveness Of Using Multimodal Or Multi-Systemic Treatment Methods In Forensic Populations
Effectiveness of Using Multimodal or Multi-systemic Treatment Methods in Forensic Populations Abstract The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore the use of multi-systematic treatment methods and its application in forensic populations. The core objective of the paper is to analyze the multi-systematic treatment approaches and their significance in the ...
Classical Conditioning And Phobias
Classical Conditioning and Phobias Abstract Classical conditioning is about learning of involuntary responses by pairing a stimulus. This paper conveys about classical condition theory and its assumptions. It also tells about phobia and its classification and how classical condition relates phobia. Classical Conditioning and Phobias Introduction Classical conditioning is among one of the form of ...
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