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Today's fast paced competitive world holds many challenges for us. These challenges of modern life sometimes get to us and cause stress on a regular basis. A person can be stressed out about anything i.e. work, personal life, goals etc. Every individual faces some kind of stress in life. However, workplace stress seems to be the most common. It is also the most researched topic by organizational psychologists today.

Stress is a state whereby there is an imbalance between the perception that a person with constraints imposed by its environment and the perception that it has its own resources to cope. Although the assessment process and resource constraint are psychological, effects of stress are not only psychological in nature. It also affects physical health, welfare and productivity of the person who is subject. Stress is a feeling that is conceived when we answer to specific events. It is the body's way of increasing to a dispute and organizing to rendezvous a strong position with aim, power, stamina, and intensified alertness.

Sources of Stress

In the simplest of terms, Stressors can be defined as causes of stress. Researchers studying work stress identify Stressors as elements at the workplace that interrupt an individual's physical and emotional state. There are two types of factors that can cause stress;

External Stimuli: Economic, family, overwork, fear, loss of a loved one, a job, moving, etc.

Internal Stimuli: Psychophysical domain belongs to the individual, for example, severe pain, illness, feelings of inferiority, sociological problems, among others.

Reactions of Stress

Consequences of stress are numerous and not confined to what appears obvious at first glance, our health. They also relate to academic achievement and athletic performance. Finally, the economic implications are serious (Bower, 2004). Subsequent reactions to stress are a natural and necessary, but if these reactions persist, they lead to ailments such as: ...
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