Media Violence And Aggression In Children

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Media Violence and Aggression in Children

Media Violence and Aggression in Children


The impact of television and games can be seen as a most debating issue among various social, academic, psychological and legal circles in relation to negative impact of media on children's behavioral pattern (Fisch, 2004). No doubt, TV is a powerful source of not only children's entertainment but also for their education. However, research has revealed that media has mostly developed negative influence on children that itself results with a significant increase in aggressive and violent behavior in them.

It is very common in every house that children watch movies or TV programs and play video games that contain violence and other contents that children should not be exposed to during a certain age. Most of the programs are produced to provide entertainment but the element of violence is also very obvious in these television programs, movies and video games (Eron et al., 2008). In fact, it would not be wrong to say that such media presentations do not deliver any productive message rather contribute significantly in developing violent behavior (Fisch, 2004). In addition, the role of media cannot be denied in the formulation of ideologies and opinion about any particular thing or subject. However, the exposure of deaths, weapons, murders, sex and drugs is a major cause of the development of negative attitude or aggression among children.


It is difficult or almost impossible for every parent to prevent their children to watch television or movies as these can be seen as a great source of information and aid to the development of a child's mind. However, today's modern media is assumed to be limitless in terms of their entertainment programs that are made with an aim to provide pure entertainment and development of children as well as society (Kirsh, 2006). In fact, ...
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