Democracy's Character and Future
Democracy's Character and Future
American Politics and the Changing Dynamics
The baseball teams in United States have been subjected to similar regulations and policies. All teams have to abide by the same procedures and policies, which mean that, any team belonging to the baseball category, have to follow ...
Reproductive Politics
Reproductive Politics
The terminology of “reproductive politics” was coined in the period of 1970s by feminists for the purpose of describing current power struggles over the concepts of abortion and contraception, surrogacy and adoption, and several other issues of satellite. Now after forty years, queries regarding reproductive rights are ...
Public Policy Issues
Public Policy Issues
This paper provides three public policy issues which involve: Public Policy and Water in Florida, Childhood policy Development and Making Miami Greener. The paper also provides the problems related to the implementation of these policies and the reason as a result of which these policies were ...
United States Foreign Policy and the War on Terrorism
United States Foreign Policy and the War on Terrorism
When analyzing the world's current situation concerning terrorism, it is difficult to say whether the global war on terrorism has been a successful one. Since the September 11, 2001 attack on the World ...
The role of war and conflict or prolonged peace (if applicable) on Russia
The Role of Russia and War or Prolonged Peace
Russia is a nation that has seen war and conflict for decades, and due to this has suffered in its once held position as the world's superpower. It has faced ...
Patterns In Terrorism: Should Cuba Be Removed From US Terrorist List
Patterns In Terrorism: Should Cuba Be Removed From US Terrorist List
Cuba is an island between the Caribbean and North Atlantic, 150 kilometers south of Florida. It has an area of 110,860 square kilometers and 11.3 million inhabitants (July ...
Consequences of Cold War
Consequences of Cold War
The paper aims to emphasize on the consequences of cold war in the broader perspective. Several Eastern European states dissolved along ethnic, linguistic as well as religious lines into two or more smaller countries. The dissolution came up with different results i.e. ...
EU's regulatory architecture
Historical Background2
Strengths of the Regulatory Architecture3
Weakness of the Regulatory Architecture5
EU legal requirements10
Current Commission proposals under negotiation:10
Awaiting legislative proposal:11
Potential future legislative proposals:11
Strengths and Weakness of the EU's regulatory architecture
The recent financial crises in the EU highlighted a number of weaknesses in the EU existing regulatory architecture eliciting a ...
Campaign Fundraising
Campaign Fundraising
A fundraising campaign is an activity performed by a group in order to raise money for the group and its programs. The fundraisers typically require that the group provides a product, a service or an event that allows others to contribute money. Examples of such sales campaigns are ...
News Release of Senator John McCain
News Release of Senator John McCain
Brief Discussion
The paper reflects the news release of Senator Jon McCain, which was being delivered on the 6th of February, 2013. The title of the news release is “Remarks by Senator John McCain on Defense Budget Sequestration”. It was based ...