Reproductive Politics

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Reproductive Politics

Reproductive Politics


The terminology of “reproductive politics” was coined in the period of 1970s by feminists for the purpose of describing current power struggles over the concepts of abortion and contraception, surrogacy and adoption, and several other issues of satellite. Now after forty years, queries regarding reproductive rights are same as complex as well as controversial as they were in previous times. Focusing centrally on the U.S., the politics of reproduction discovers the political, legal, social, religious, medical, and ethical scopes of this fiercely contested dome.

In this essay, there will be a description about reproductive politics and the ways in which the reproduction rate has been encouraged or limited in the United States for some particular social groupings that are based on ethnicity, race, marital status, and socio-economic status. Secondly, there will be a comparison of two distinctive historical eras and a discussion of some particular practices and legislation that were component of the reproductive politics in each of those historical eras.


In order to trace out the historical grounds of the politics of reproduction throughout the current era, some questions arises and the answers to those questions shed light in ways as: are reproduction and sex “public” and “private” matters? When was abortion considered as a serious crime in the U.S. and why? What is the self-discipline of sex education? How the concept of “reproductive politics” is a similar issue for men as for women? All these questions are necessarily to explore in order to get and provide information regarding this significant and continually evolving area of politics (William, 1942).

In current months, the reproduction of women has been in focus as, few weeks before, an anti-abortion platform was adopted by the Republican Party that was calling for an amendment of constitution that outlawed abortion and made no exception for the victims of rape, incest, or for protecting the life of a woman. Sardonically, some leaders of the same party those were accountable for drafting that amendment issuing stresses for the Todd Akin, Missouri Congressman, to step aside or resign in a fiercely challenged Senate race after making some claims of controversies that the rapes that are legitimate hardly outcome in pregnancies. As gender confrontation plays out in high profile manners, everyone must be known about the fact that abortion politics is not just the field in which the reproductive rights of women are intimately scrutinized and under menace of political attacking. Comparatively, little attention has been given upon the destructive ground forms of criminal law enforcement on the pregnant women transversely in the United States. Due to the increased viability and popularity of the terminology of Reproductive Politics, there is an increased concern that individuals who use this terminology with open and free permission of understanding what it actually means, as it is not simply an alternative terminology of “reproductive rights”, pro-choice”, or “sexual right” (Hugh, 1986).

Although, this terminology quickly encourages the people of America as well as the adoption of so many related allies of this movement, ...
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