Consequences Of Cold War

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Consequences of Cold War

Consequences of Cold War


The paper aims to emphasize on the consequences of cold war in the broader perspective. Several Eastern European states dissolved along ethnic, linguistic as well as religious lines into two or more smaller countries. The dissolution came up with different results i.e. the Czech Republic was peaceful; on the other hand, the dissolution of Yugoslavia was an extremely violent process. The paper critically explains the both aspects of the cold war. The Cold War may be defined as a cultural and civilization conflict between the rich West led by the United States and the Soviet Union (Rusciano, 2006). The Cold War founded on ideological differences, principally allowed two directions of events and the final victory of the West in a duel with the East geopolitical, ideological and something in common stock in the establishment of world government. The key issue that is whether the theory promoted in Western models of globalization and internationalization can open a development perspective the East. The concept was that the communist model of the East was created competitive economy in relation to the economy of the West. But, it was able to resolve outstanding issues related to employment and the supply of the country's population at some level, as well as was trained to defend the country from external attack.

The Soviet Union was undoubtedly the second superpower on the planet, and the former Yugoslavia, the organizer of the worldwide movement of underdeveloped and developing countries. The certainty in the future and ultimately will affect not only the pragmatic political and economic goals. The interests determined according to the standards of behavior the U.S. in world politics and in relations with other nations and states, but also the dominant cultural opinion. In practical politics manifested itself as a system of violence against man and sow fear among the people. First they did the dominant European nations, such as its colonial policy of conquest and attempted to enslave and subjugate as many others, based on their performances, primitive peoples (Anthony, 2000).


The Cold War began shortly after the Second World War, as the United States and the Soviet Union contested the hegemony of political, economic and military world. The Soviet Union had a socialist system based on planned economy i.e. lack of social equality and democracy (Siracusa & Barclay, 1977). The United States defended the expansion of the capitalist system, based on market economy, democratic system and private property. In the second half of the 1940s until 1989, these two powers tried to deploy to other countries their political and economic systems. The definition for the term Cold War is a conflict that happened only in the ideological field, and there was a clash between military declared and direct United States and USSR. A direct armed conflict would mean the end of the two countries and probably life on planet Earth. But both ended up fueling conflicts in other countries in Korea and Vietnam.

The two powers engaged in an arms race, ...
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