Performance Management

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Performance Management

Performance Management


In order for organizations to raise the performance levels within the organization, it is important for them to find strategies that will allow them to raise motivation among their employees. This is also a way to ensure that the goals and the objectives of the organization are being met. According to McNamara, PHD, (1999) "performance management can focus on performance of the organization, a department, processes to build a product or service, employees, etc." (p. 1). This paper will establish a performance management program and consider what matters most for measuring employee performance. Lastly, an explanation of the appraisal will be given to explain how it can be used in a variety of positions.


According to Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhert, and Wright, (2003) "performance management is the process through which managers ensure that employees' activities and outputs contribute to the organizations goals" (p. 239). Organizations and managers need to determine first what matters most for measuring performance of their employees. The most important measurement for an Instructional Assistant with the Spokane Public Schools would be how well the employee can communicate with staff members, students, and parents. This is an important aspect of this position and requires the employee to be able to communicate effectively with a variety of individuals throughout the day.

Performance Management Program

The performance management program is developed to open communication between employees and supervisors. Performance management has three distinct purposes; the first purpose is to help employees meet the goals and objectives that are set out for the organization. The second purpose is to help the organization retain and motivate employees. The last purpose is to help employees gain the necessary knowledge and skills in order to become successful in his or her job position. These steps allow the organization to maintain open communication throughout the organization and to motivate employees to do his or her best.(McNamara,1999)

Performance Planning

The first step in developing a performance management plan for an instructional assistant with the Public Schools is to have the supervisor and employee collaborate and develop specific standards. This will help to direct the employee towards achieving the goals and objectives of the organization. There should be open an ongoing effort of open communication between the supervisor and the instructional assistant this will allow the supervisor to effectively mentor the employee toward the main goals and objectives. At the end of the school year, the instructional assistant will be given an appraisal that will show whether the standards that were established were met during the year. This will also be the time to establish new standards for the following school year.(Noe,2003)

Once goals and objectives have been established, it is the role of the supervisor to monitor the instructional assistant's performance and provide timely feedback on strengths and weaknesses. Providing timely feedback on a daily basis will allow the instructional assistant to know where improvements should be made and to encourage further development to allow the employee to meet goals and ...
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