Explain the three core principles of total quality
When it comes to total quality, we refer to a movement, a school of thought that promotes the search for the highest possible quality in any organization. A search for continuous improvement, continuous, affecting all aspects of the business and is geared to satisfying customer needs. Customers, their needs and expectations, are the ultimate reference for defining the desired quality for the product or service offered by any particular organization.
Total quality improvement is to ensure that this goal is achieved by continuously improving all processes, internal and external, that contribute to the product or service. To achieve this, we used a systemic approach to organization and a statistical approach to the diagnosis of his condition. That is to say that proponents of total quality design company, organization, and as a complex system of integrated functions and relations which we can analyze the operation and the results using certain statistical methods.
The three core principles of total quality management are briefly described below.
1 - Improving products and services
In the short term, maintaining quality every day, but especially in the long run, by focusing on innovation, research and staff training.
2 - Adopting the new philosophy
Particularly by eliminating the concept of 'acceptable quality' in the operations and relations with suppliers. Such a concept can only lead to mediocrity.
3 - Process control
Detect faults in the end process, then it is too late to improve the product or service is not used much. It is better to focus on process control and quality orientated 'the first time' (built in).
Identify and explain three challenges that firm's face in the future regarding quality
In order to succeed in the global market now and in the future, organizations need to follow a set of principles. These are several trends that will help get an organization in top condition for quality management: increasing global competition, increasing customer values on quality, defending economic pressures, and new ideas to management. This paper was mainly focused on the importance of good quality and the different elements of quality, I have explained how the greatness of having the use of knowing the total quality elements can make a pioneer very successful, I have explained why the elements of quality are useful in today's society, and I have explained how I see the future (Lenka & Suar, 2008).
The future looks bright for organizations paying close attention to trends in quality. As mentioned earlier, quality is a dynamic element continually changing with time and circumstances. Organizations that prepare themselves by applying structured processes in quality management are at a better competitive advantage compared to those organizations that do not. Successful execution of projects is possible depending on quality-based approaches. These approaches may include training, development, time management, and consulting. Implementing quality management programs changes old methods into new ones increasing quality in products, services, people, and processes.
Identify three human resource practices that can impede customer service employees from delivering high quality service. Describe how you would modify each practice to ...