Sally, an employee at a large work-group at a multi-national corporation, is giving extra-ordinary discipline problems to her superiors. Management is very upset at this condition and is unable to decide the action which should be taken in order to resolve the issue. Sally has extreme discipline problems and if not brought forward, might lead to ultimate dismissal from the job. Management must address the problems of Sally. As HR advisor, we are giving following options to management:
Option 1: Discipline Sally
This approach is more appropriate for serious offenses, frequent offenders and problems involving the willful disregard of a company policy or workplace rule.
1. Meet with Sally. Management should meet with Sally face-to-face to discuss the problem. If she is never told that management perceives a problem, she has no opportunity to improve performance.
2. Listen to Sally's side. Take time to listen (as impartially as management can) to what Sally has to say about the problem. Many times management will learn there is another side to the situation, and that may be where corrective action should be applied. Now, management may not agree with Sally's interpretation of the issue, but be willing to hear both sides.
3. Discuss a solution. If the problem is caused by Sally's actions, discuss ways to eliminate the problem or correct the situation. Many times the problem exists because Sally does not recognize the problem or doesn't know what to do about it.
4. Plan a course of action. The objective here is to develop a mutually agreed upon plan of action to follow to resolve the problem. Sally should then be given time to improve her performance (except where flagrant violations of policy dictate termination).
5. Document the incident. This is probably the most important part of the whole process. No matter how well management think meeting with Sally went, make a complete, detailed record of what was discussed with Sally.
6. Follow up. Continue to monitor the situation and follow up. If Sally makes positive changes, it is important to give Sally positive feedback. If there is no change in behavior, management must take appropriate action. While this will be unpleasant, it is extremely important.
Option 2: Straight Feedback
Allowing employees with a bad attitude to work in the organization is a morale killer. When leaders begin to hold employees accountable for their attitudes and ask those to leave who do not meet standards of behavior, organizations receive a huge boost.
Sally may be issued a verbal warning for a performance or behavior problem. Verbal warnings should be issued during a private conference between the supervisor and Sally where the supervisor explains the problem and what Sally must do to return to satisfactory status. Supervisory notes to the file are permissible and in most cases appropriate. Sally should be informed that the conference is being conducted for the purpose of issuing an oral warning. This ensures that Sally is aware that disciplinary action is taking ...