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Research Papers on Law

Law relates to issues which may occur within or outside a state and the provision of unbiased justice to all. The field is a complex one which needs to be understood on basis of a number of analytical tools and discussions. Researchomatic provides a range of law research papers which address different legal interactions. These research papers give narrative accounts on the application of different laws in different settings.

Is There Any Gender Bias In Our Court System?
Is There Any Gender Bias In Our Court System? Abstract During the last several decades, the role of women has been redefined and changed progressively. This changing role of women has lured attraction to the issue of gender bias in our court system. Gender bias is the discrimination or prejudice based on ...
Recent Trends In Rape
Recent Trends in Rape By Recent Trends in Rape Introduction A recent United Nations report suggests that, on average, over 250,000 cases of rape or attempted rape are reported each year worldwide, while the U.S. Department of Justice estimates that nearly 200,000 incidents of rape or sexual assault occurred in 2005 in the United ...
History And Development Of Corrections
HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF CORRECTIONS History and Development of Corrections History and Development of Corrections Part A: Timeline 1700 Early Punishments 1704 Maison de Force (Ghent, Belgium), The Hospice of San Michele (Rome) 1726 Reform (John Howard) 1770 Gaols (England) Early Jails 1787 Philadelphia Prison Society (Benjamin Rush) 1790 Inspection House (Panopticon) 1800 to Present Parole 1813 Elizabeth Gurney Fry 1822 Eastern State Penitentiary 1825 Auburn and Sing Sing Penitentiary (Mass Prisons) 1873 The ...
Law And Policy Case Study
LAW AND POLICY CASE STUDY Law and Policy Case Study: Information Security Law and Policy Case Study: Information Security Introduction Organizations are entities that gather many components from environment such as people, material and information to achieve the desired goal. Certain laws, regulations and policies guide the action of corporations and ensure the ...
Police Corruption
Police Corruption Police Corruption Introduction Corruption has historical roots in American police work and the longest and most stubborn problem. Also because of corruption, the United States Police paid a huge price as it has seriously weakened the police most basic law enforcement function, and undermine the effective implementation of national laws ...
Abstract Drugs are considered to be chemicals that may affect or change the working of bodies. A drug can be harmful or helpful depending upon its usage. Similarly, the effects of drugs vary upon the type of drug taken, its frequency, and how quickly it gets to the brain. Therefore, the ...
Barriers To Cybercrime Cases Within The Criminal Justice System
Barriers To Cybercrime Cases Within The Criminal Justice System Barriers To Cybercrime Cases Within The Criminal Justice System Introduction Over the past few years, rapid advances in technology and easier access to it have greatly facilitated investigation and prosecution processes in cases of cybercrime. However, the same technological advances have also have impeded ...
Community Policing
COMMUNITY POLICING Restorative Justice and Community Policing Restorative Justice and Community Policing Community Policing In Community Policing (CP), it is essential to promote cooperation between the police and the public to identify and solve community problems. This sophisticated approach to police work requires an untroubled relationship of trust between the people and their police. ...
Intelligence Gathering
Intelligence Gathering Abstract The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant facts and figures related to the analysis of Intelligence gathering by government. In this paper, the author has examined the history of Intelligence gathering in U.S. Furthermore, the author has also ...
Sources Of Law
Sources of Law Introduction The study is related to the sources of law which particularly focuses on the sources of law in the United States in comparison to the sources of law in the European Union. Before moving on to consider how law is made in United States and how the legal ...
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