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Research Papers on Law

Law relates to issues which may occur within or outside a state and the provision of unbiased justice to all. The field is a complex one which needs to be understood on basis of a number of analytical tools and discussions. Researchomatic provides a range of law research papers which address different legal interactions. These research papers give narrative accounts on the application of different laws in different settings.

Use Of Force-Ethical Issues
Use of Force-Ethical Issues Use of Force-Ethical Issues Introduction Law wielding authorities have for a long time taken actions against innocent civilians on grounds much more substantial than suspect. The police and such security industries enjoyed an almost invulnerable status among the people. They were able to pick out whoever they wished and ...
Investigating Officer Deception
INVESTIGATING OFFICER DECEPTION Deception by the Investigating Officer in the Investigative, Interrogative, and Testimonial Processes Table of Contents Introduction2 Discussion and Analysis3 Carrying out a criminal investigation:3 Practices of Deception on part of the investigation officers:4 Conclusion6 References7 Deception by the Investigating Officer in the Investigative, Interrogative, and Testimonial Processes Introduction For more than 100 years, deception has been used as ...
How Historical Events Led To A Change In The Application Of Crisis Negotiation
How Historical events led to a change in the application of Crisis Negotiation How Historical events led to a change in the application of Crisis Negotiation Introduction Crisis negotiation is a law enforcement technique to converse with the people who are intimidating aggression together with the hostage taker, obstructive subjects, threats, individual intimidating ...
Terry Frisk
Terry Frisk Terry Frisk Introduction An activity or a method with the help of which concealed weapons can easily be found is termed as terry frisk. It is termed as a way that helps police officers to search for the concealed weapons by searching with their hands along with the outer clothes so ...
Victoria As A ‘nanny State’
VICTORIA AS A 'NANNY STATE' Victoria Is Often Referred To As a 'Nanny State' [Student No.] Essay Summary The essay focuses on the Nanny state which has been a given name for the Victoria State located in Australia. The price rise and the taxation, the rules, regulation and laws governing the state have ...
Victoria: A “nanny State”
VICTORIA: A “NANNY STATE” Victoria: a “Nanny State” Contents Victoria: a “Nanny State”3 Essay Summary3 Essay Structure3 Introduction4 Discussion4 Drinking in Victoria5 Alcohol consumption6 Tax harvested from smokers7 Clarity in Pricing9 Banning Junk Food10 Conclusion10 Bibliography12 Victoria: a “Nanny State” Essay Summary In this essay, the author tired to present the view point regarding the rules and regulations of the Victorian state, according to the author, people ...
Ideology And Criminal Justice Policy
Ideology and Criminal Justice Policy Ideology and Criminal Justice Policy Introduction This paper intends to critique an article “Ideology and Criminal Justice Policy” written by Walter B. Miller in order to explore the influence of ideology on the criminal justice system. The objective behind the article critique is to research and discuss ...
Kelly Niles V. City Of San Rafael Case (1973)
Kelly Niles v. City of San Rafael Case (1973) Table of Contents Introduction1 Discussion2 Arguments5 Jury5 Tort7 Conclusion8 Kelly Niles v. City of San Rafael Case (1973) Introduction The paper focuses on the California Case Law that is Niles v. City of San Rafael. The paper investigates the significant and comprehensive finding of this case. The case is related ...
Disasters Disasters Introduction This research paper is based on emergency services discipline. I have chosen the Emergency and Disaster Planning discipline for the Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. A wide variety of disaster relief organizations have appeared worldwide over the last one hundred years and especially since World War II. All ...
Bipartisanship Or Non-Partisanship
Bipartisanship or non-partisanship Abstract This research paper aims to analyze the functions of New York's existing bureaucracy. Moreover, it also defines bipartisanship or non-partisanship in detail and discusses the complexity, simplicity and efficiency of New York's bureaucracy. Furthermore it also identifies its transparency to the general public. Table of Contents Abstract2 Introduction4 Discussion4 What is Bipartisanship?4 Bipartisanship in ...
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