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Assignment on Nursing

The field of nursing not only encompasses the practices involved in medicine but also includes the art of care taking. A nursing assignment therefore needs critical analysis of a host of topics and sub specialties. Researchomatic provides an authentic collection of nursing assignments for its users to assist them in understanding the practices involved in nursing. The assignments focus on the philosophy of nursing and on other theories surrounding this domain.

Educator Strategic Plan
Educator Strategic Plan Educator Strategic Plan Introduction Nursing is a profession which needs advanced education, which involves clinical and educational training along with various years of expertise in the health care sector. The two most important core skills required to be an educator in nursing are clinical expertise and passion for teaching. The ...
Nursing Assignment
NURSING ASSIGNMENT Nursing Assignment Nursing Assignment Professional/ Ethical Practice The role of nurses in emergency department become more important and need more attention when dealing with respiration problems, because in Ireland statistics shows high rate of mortality due to respiratory diseases. Thus the nurse who performs the role of manager should guide their ...
Evidence-Based Intervention
Evidence-Based Intervention Evidence-Based Intervention Introduction Evidence-based practice joined evidence-based medicine with the introduction of psychiatric journals in 1998. In evidence-based practice, the role of therapist as a doctor is being undermined, and the social aspects and psychological effects of medicine are neglected by EDP (Ackner, B. & Oldham, A. J. 1962). Task A; ...
Scholarly Writing
Scholarly Writing [Name of the institute]Scholarly Writing Introduction During our academic lives we learn a lot of things. These scores of lessons that we learn in our academic career helps put in our whole lives. One such factor that we learn during the period in which we get education is writing and the ...
Why History Collection Is Important As A Nurse Prationer
WHY HISTORY COLLECTION IS IMPORTANT AS A NURSE PRATIONER Why History Collection Is Important As a Nurse Practitioner Why History Collection Is Important As a Nurse Practitioner Introduction Autonomy means self-rule (Dworkin 1988). It has the ability to think, choose and act freely and independently (Gillon 1992). Each human being is part of ...
Use Of Electronic Medical Records In Healthcare
Use of Electronic Medical Records in Healthcare Use of Electronic Medical Records in Healthcare Introduction Electronic medical record is described by IOM Patient Safety Report 2003 as a compilation of electronic health information longitudinally for and about persons that is meant for immediate electronic access to authorized users about person- and population-level information ...
Transforming Nursing Education: Peer - Reviewed Article
Transforming Nursing Education: Peer - Reviewed Article Transforming Nursing Education: Peer - Reviewed Article Today, nurses have been facing the problem of creating modern and unique ways to teach and facilitate the enhanced learning experiences in clinical practice environments, which are difficult, highly demanding, and unpredictable. The selected peer-reviewed article is ...
Appreciative Inquiry In Practice Assignment
Appreciative Inquiry in Practice Assignment Appreciative Inquiry in Practice Assignment Introduction Increasingly complex environments in which nurse educators must function create distinct challenges for leaders in nursing education. Complexity is established in the existence of knowledge-driven economies, advancements in technology, and the blurring of campus boundaries created by online learning versus traditional classroom education. This assignment advocates for the affirmative administrative ...
Nursing Research
Nursing Research Nursing Research Part (1): QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH REPORT ANALYSIS Orlygsdottir, B. & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2008), Effect of abuse by a close family member on health, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 40(4), 311-318 Q10.____Sample and Sampling Technique (2) What was the sample and what sampling technique was used to choose the sample from ...
Picot Question
PICOT QUESTION Picot Question PICOT Question The PICOT question that has been developed for the purpose of this paper is: “What is the complete-recovery time for tonsillectomy patients who developed an infection within a week after surgery; in comparison to those tonsillectomy patients who did not develop a similar infection?” Selected Abstracts pertaining ...
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