Evidence-Based Intervention

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Evidence-Based Intervention

Evidence-Based Intervention


Evidence-based practice joined evidence-based medicine with the introduction of psychiatric journals in 1998. In evidence-based practice, the role of therapist as a doctor is being undermined, and the social aspects and psychological effects of medicine are neglected by EDP (Ackner, B. & Oldham, A. J. 1962).

Task A; Annotated Bibliography

Katapodi, M.C, Facione, N.C, Miaskowski, C., Dodd M.J, Waters C. (2002), The influence of social support on breast cancer screening in a multicultural community sample. Oncol Nurs Forum. Jun; 29(5): pp. 845-52.

This research included all the elements of a purposeful investigation. title of research, list of researchers, institution responsible for research and management, summary, definition and formulation of the problem, justification of the study, formulation of hypotheses and objectives, type of study, the universe and sample data collection plan, plan processing, ethical considerations, resources, references, schedule, results and schedules followed a good flow in a very convincing manner.

Gamarra, C., Paz, E., & Griep, R. (2009). Social support and cervical and breast cancer screening in Argentinean women from a rural population. Public Health Nursing, 26(3), pp. 269-276

In this article, authors tried to find out rather the social sentimental sustainability affects the utilization of three screening trials of cancer in women. They gathered the information through a family survey of random sampling of 200 women of Argentina. The research was conducted by using the “Questionnaire” that incorporated the self-reported acknowledged. The models of logistics were applied to find out the link between the screening tests of cancer and social support. In this article, it has been reviewed that the sentimental societal back up was related with containing participation in pap screening trial. It has been concluded that the emotional and social backing up can accomplish a provision in earlier detection of cervical cancer in the females of Argentina.

Xingjie Wang, Carolyn Fang, Yin Tan, Andy Liu, & Grace X. (2010). “Evidence-Based Intervention to Reduce Access Barriers to Cervical Cancer Screening Among Underserved Chinese American Women”. Journal of Women's Health Volume 19, Number 3.

In this peer reviewed article, the community-based pilot intervention has been evaluated that joined education of cervical cancer with navigation of patient on screening behaviours of cervical cancer in Chinese American females living in the city of New York. It revealed that after the research, in the interval of 12 months rates of screening were considerably increased in the group of intervention in contrast with the control group. The programs based on community health that supply mutual learning and navigation of patient might be useful in trouncing the widespread barriers of access and language to monitoring confronted by the Chinese females of America.

Michael Copenhaver, Sutopa Chowdhury, & Frederick L. Altice, (2009). Adaptation of an Evidence-Based Intervention Targeting HIV-Infected Prisoners Transitioning to the Community: The Process and Outcome of Formative Research for the Positive Living Using Safety (PLUS) Intervention. AIDS Patient Care and STDs. Volume 23.

In research for executing an intervention for HIV risk-reduction between shortly-unconstrained and recently free prisoners infected with HIV, the determining effort initially occupied a significant ...
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