Prevention Intervention Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP)
Prevention Intervention Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP)
Prevention Intervention Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP) involves the provision of structured learning experiences to help couples develop their relationship knowledge, skills and attitudes. PREP typically targets couples that identify themselves as currently satisfied with their relationship and builds on the strengths in relationship to enhance commitment and beneficial interaction. The key goals of PREP are to help couples sustain a healthy committed relationship, to prevent the erosion of relationship satisfaction that many couples experience, and the considerable personal and social costs of relationship distress and separation.
PREP distinguishes couple of therapy in that PREP targets couples who are currently satisfying in their relationship and committed to that relationship. PREP builds upon the high levels of positive emotion typical of currently satisfied couples, and has a strong emphasis on building the positive foundations for a sustained wholesome couple relationship. PREP as most widely practiced is relatively brief in duration, with a typical PREP program ranging from a single session of a few hours up to 10-12 hours of PREP across multiple sessions. In contrast, couple therapy targets people who distress in their relationship. Couple therapy often has to manage high levels of the negative effect on the relationship, and address the ambivalence many distressed couples feel about whether they wish the relationship to continue. Couple therapy is often extensive in duration, with evidence-based approaches often involving 20 or more sessions of therapy (Aron, 2000).
How Prevention Intervention Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP) works?
Though, personalized face to face treatment that make to terminate couple distress or problems, developing trend of programs structured to target couples that are facing no or little problems with the aim of enhancing or keeping the couple's relational concordance. These planned programs also known as marriage education, marriage enrichment, premarital preparation, psycho education for couples, relationship enhancement or in understandable terms relationship education. Though these programs may be conveyed through pamphlets, books, websites, media campaigns, and face sheets, majority of the programs include face to face structured classes or workshops in society settings such as schools, churches, universities, family resource centers and hospitals. These preventive relationship enhancement programs are present by counselors, clinicians, clergy, teachers, peers, and trained leaders to individuals or couples at different life cycles of relationship i.e. engaged, dating, married, divorced, transition to parenthood and remarried).
The term Preventive Relationship Enhancement Programs comprehend this scattered layout of programs and approached created to fortify relationships between couples before the tensions become deep rooted, destructive and over whelming. Couple relationships instead of the wedding applies as union term to be inclusive of different types of couple mingling and the aim of this entrance of programs that cover relational as contradicted to legal, institutional or other forms of a couple bonding (Anderson, Ryzin and Doherty, 2010).
Components of couple based interventions
The prevention and treatment of couple relationship problems constitutes a necessary element of health services. Four components lead to the significance of couple based interventions:
Elevated widespread of couple relationship problems