Educator Strategic Plan

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Educator Strategic Plan

Educator Strategic Plan


Nursing is a profession which needs advanced education, which involves clinical and educational training along with various years of expertise in the health care sector. The two most important core skills required to be an educator in nursing are clinical expertise and passion for teaching. The core skills help to differentiate the nurse educator from the other clinical team. I believe that in today's diverse health care environment, nurse educators have adapted the role of leaders who are responsible for redefining the process for a better workflow. They are also responsible for documenting the outcomes of various educational programs and guide health care staff, students and patients through the learning process (Carroll-Johnson, 2005)

The paper will propose a strategic plan that will help me in becoming a nursing educator. The paper will include an assessment of strengths and weaknesses and goals that will help me to achieve my plan.


As we all know that nurse educators are geared up at the graduate or the master's level. They become a member of the faculty in various colleges and universities. They are also hired as staff development educators in health care facilities. Nurse educators usually work with high school graduate students who are studying nursing and expand their knowledge and abilities in order to provide high quality health care to individuals and communities (Greenwood, 1993). Nurse educators also enable students to identify their strengths and weaknesses and work on their limitations. Nurse educators also help students to identify and grab the most appropriate opportunity that will help them in building their future career.

In order to be fine nurse educator, an individual needs to develop certain skills and abilities. Nurse educators should have the strengths to exercise leadership and to be concerned with the development of the field. I want to become a highly qualifies a nursing educator and also want to develop the necessary skills in future. My strengths and weaknesses are described below:


My strengths are discussed below:

I am a member of a public speaking club for five years which is known as toastmasters. I have given more than forty speeches on various subjects related to nursing and health care. This shows that I have excellent communication skills which are required to be an educator (Jarvis, 1992)

I have also been appointed as an officer and many other senior positions in the public speaking club. This has [provided me with various opportunities to give relevant information and knowledge to the club members.

I also provide education and knowledge to adults and elder people regarding HIV/AIDS and the health issues related to it. I also give education on domestic violence and its affects on people in Tallahassee, FL.

I have been a part of the military training and received education on nurse advanced cardiac life support (Whelan, 1984)

I have also gained extensive experience using various internet based software, online tutorials, data base searches and library tutorials. I also have gained skills and knowledge in using Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft excel and Microsoft ...
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