Music In Global Marketing Strategy

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Music in Global Marketing Strategy

Music in Global Marketing Strategy


According to the Oxford University Press, global marketing is defined as “on a worldwide scale reconciling or taking commercial advantage of global operational differences, similarities and opportunities in order to meet global objectives.” The American Marketing Association (AMA) describes the global objectives of marketing as the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational desires.

The consumer is the voice of the global market and a productive global marketer must promote decisions that satisfy consumers' needs ( Global marketing decisions are still deeply influenced by the economic, financial, political, and cultural environment of each country and the global environment. The integration of the global market is increasing at a speedy pace, and countries only operating within one country are at a disadvantage with firms operating in multiple countries. Companies and firms are being strongly encouraged to engage in global marketing due to survival and growth issues, competitive pressures, and numerous opportunities for profit in other countries.

The current state of global marketing is highly based upon promotion to establish its presence in other countries. The goal of promotion is “to increase the perceived value of a product and convince consumers to adopt it," (Akhter, 112). However, promotion of a product does not guarantee its success; the quality of the product has to be first-class as well. Global marketing strategists must recognize that people across the world are both similar and diverse in many ways ( Two major obstacles that challenge global marketing strategists hare language barriers and the lack of familiarity of local and or national cultural colloquialisms. However, due to their universality, facial expressions and music are two of the strongest tools that global marketing strategists use overcome these hurdles in order to meet their goal of selling a product. Television


Television appeared in the United States of America in 1928 and since then has been available in countries all over the world. Television includes commercials. Television used to be and still is the way to go for commercials. Television is one of the primary ways that a lot of citizens all over the globe buys products or even become aware of products and/or merchandise. Television gives us language, information, entertainment and commercials/advertisements ( It also tremendously increased our knowledge of products that are available to us that otherwise we may not be aware of.

Children, especially toddlers, cling and is fascinated with the television when a commercial comes on regardless of the mood of the commercial, regardless if it is a cartoon, a real person, animals, plants, or dead or alive objects. Children are exposed to approximately 50,000 commercials per year. If the commercial is sad with crying, flirtatious with a wink, happy with laughter, joyful with a smile, or even anger it still attracts citizens of all cultures and diversities ( At certain times of the year television commercials are awaited for by many people ...
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