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No matter what the purpose of an organization training is an aspect that is important. Training should be provided to the employees from time to time in order to make the employees stay abreast and competitive. Similarly, the provision of training is also made in the police department. The purpose of this part of the paper is to select two training areas and undertake discussion about these two training areas (Birzer & Roberson, 2007). The two training areas that are selected for this purpose are training of soft skills and psychological training.

These two areas of training are very significant when it comes to the police workers and their jobs. But, the dilemma is that these two training areas are often ignored or considered as less important.

There are two types of skills that are necessary to possess by employees to perform a given task. These two types of skills are hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are the skills that are directly related to job to be performed whereas; soft skills are such skills that are necessary for everyday life as well as professional life. Soft skills include skills related to communication, listening conducting yourself with others, presentation etc. All these elements of soft skills are essential for the job of a police worker (Goldstein, 2009). Most of the job of the police worker is about dealing with public and indulge in the activities that require strong communication. Furthermore, it is also important for the police workers to get this training because if they are not trained for the soft skills then there is likelihood that they may intentionally or unintentionally become rude, brutal, and aggressive with public. Now that it is clear that soft skills are important for police workers so, the main idea now is to discuss how this sort of training can be given to the police workers. The following part describes how the training related to soft skills can be delivered to the police workers.

While providing training to the police workers for the development of soft skills first of all a session should be conducted with them. In this session, they should be taught about soft skills, benefits, ways to communicate, and ways to conduct oneself (Maltz, 2002). After that a simulation game can be played for the practical implications of the soft skills that are taught to the workers. In this simulation session, police workers should be exposed to the situations that they are most likely to incur during their duties such as an argument with a member of the community about the morality of his or her behavior. After exposing the police workers in hypothetical situation the trainers and experts should observe whether the police workers are able to implement the skills that they are taught about or not (Smith, 2005).

After soft skills another training area that is selected for the provision of training to the police workers is the psychological training. According to the studies and research that are ...
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