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New Holiday Product Development in Tourism Industry

New Holiday Product Development in Tourism Industry


Tourism organizations (whether in the public sector or the private sector) which ignore the need for a continuing stream of successful new products risk being overtaken by more marketing-oriented competitors. The process of new product development (NPD) is logically no different in tourism than in other industries. However, the circumstances of tourism and the nature of the product itself affect how NPD in tourism has to take place. Although there are limits to the ways in which classic marketing research techniques, developed for NPD in the fast moving consumer goods industries, can be employed in tourism, this article demonstrates the ways in which market research can be of considerable help to tourism organizations in developing and maintaining competitive edge.

As the tourism market is becoming increasingly diverse Emirates Holidays decided to embark in virtual tourism in order to offer new ways to market tourism. The idea of virtual tourism is still an innovative marketing tool. However, through our studies of the British market Emirates Holidays found that there are a number of enterprises in the hotel industry that utilise this technique. With regards to museums, temples, churches and towns this idea is relatively new, thus Emirates Holidays are trying to find new opportunities to be able to market our product in such a sector as well as in the hotel industry.

Mission Statement

We will continuously try to achieve customer loyalty, through our product, which is constantly struggling at providing a new technological image of the British Islands

Concept Statement


Virtual tourism means 'deeds done in artificial reality by using technical devices to navigate in virtual worlds (real or imaginary) and experiencing artificial stimuli through non-simultaneous use of the body and mind' . This refers to the exploration of other areas in the world without having to physically travel. Such navigation is mainly done using the Internet in the commodity of ones home.

Virtual tourism, apart from being a way of travelling in the future, can also be a powerful advertising technique for the countries that decide to adopt it. However the virtual tourists can decide to be, either active or passive. An active virtual tourist takes part in actions of the virtual world, tries to shape the virtual world in different form and communicates with other persons (real or artificial) in the virtual world while a passive virtual tourist is just a bystander who observes what is happening in the virtual world and stays away from the communication.

Virtual tourism is not a threat to traditional tourism in the near future since it will never replace traditional tourism entirely. It might become popular, but what it gives is just another way to visit new places and dimensions. It also gives the people viewing it a realistic view of what they should expect if they actually visit the place themselves rather than just a photo which can give false ideas of what a place is really like.

Target Market

We decided to combine the concept of virtual ...
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