The paper traces the implications of tourism in Malta and Jamaica. It focuses over the uneven impact on Maltese Islands, over-dependence of the visitors, problems with the seasons, inadequate infrastructure and the tourist industry. Tourism has been growing day by day around the globe. However, with this growth come a few implications that the tourists are faced with. The island countries of Malta and Jamaica have been facing a huge traffic of tourists, but with this come major implications involving environmental issues, economic issues and visa policies. Corrective measures are to be taken for protecting the economy and the environment of these islands in order to make sure that these islands continue to be major tourist attractions in the long run. Tourists can only enjoy their vacations when they are provided with facilities to do so. For this, numerous facilities are created on these islands. However, this requires a lot of employment and investment. The governments of Malta and Jamaica have been facing major tourist issues for many decades. These issues are discussed in the paper and how the tourists encounter them when they plan to or are visiting Malta and Jamaica.
Table of Contents
Small Island States2
Dependence on Tourism3
General Characteristics of an Island4
Dangers related to tourism5
The Impact of Tourism on Maltese and Jamaicans Economies6
The Impact of Tourism on the Environments of Malta and Jamaica7
Environmental and Cultural benefits8
Visa policies of Malta and Jamaica8
Alternative forms of tourism10
Impact Assessment11
Setting standards12
Internalizing Costs12
Spreading the Impact13
Tourism problems13
Tourism Issues in Malta and Jamaica
Sustainable tourism is described as the balance between the economic and environmental factors. It is already known that economic activities impact the environmental factors. This case is evident in the area of tourism where environment is utilized as a resource. Tourist attraction anywhere depends on a pleasant atmosphere of any destination. Negative environmental setting shall affect tourism negatively. Sustainable tourism is one which is developed in a manner that it remains practical and feasible in the long run and does not affect the environment so that other activities can be successfully developed. The following paper identifies issues that small islands like Malta and Jamaica have to face when it comes to tourism ( In these states, degradation of the environment is a pivotal issue. It is an argumentative paper that takes corrective measures for arriving solutions to environmental degradation and identifies the benefits of economic development. The paper is divided into six sections where the first section identify how these small islands in the developing states are dependent on tourism for their growth, section two assesses the impact of tourism on the economies of Malta and Jamaica and section three assesses the environmental impact. In the next section, the visa policy is discussed, and corrective measures shall be discussed in section five. Section six is a conclusion to the paper with an optimistic approach about tourism.
A Southern European country with an archipelago in the Mediterranean, Malta is located in the South of Sicily, East of Tunisia and North of ...