Registration System
Registration System
Technology has significantly helped individuals and institutions in all sectors of life. In Education sector too, it has also helped students, teachers and administrators significantly, reducing time and effort to perform a task. Similarly, online registration process has also helped students to register their courses or ...
External Variables
External Variables
External variables are vital elements that affect the working of any event. While performing a task, there are a lot of factors that can influence that working from the outside world. Usually these factors are external variables. Usually variable is a unit that has different values. In case ...
The paper attempts to present the concept of holograms in a holistic context. The hologram technology is a method by which objects can be mapped in three dimensions. The essay begins with introducing the hologram technology, a brief history, its current position and what role this technology can ...
IT Role in Industry Progress
IT Role in Industry Progress
We use the term information technology or IT to refer to an entire industry. In actuality, information technology is the use of computers and software to manage information. In some companies, this is referred to as Management Information Services (or MIS) or ...
IT Role in Country Progress
IT Role in Country Progress
The speed and extent of development depends on the availability of material, technological and financial resources, but in its essence development is a human process that is determined by the response of people to their external environment.
IT contributes to development in several ...
The Evolution of Science
The Evolution of Science
The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant literature related to science and technology. In this paper, the author will Compare and contrast the philosophy and methodologies of the early pioneer in ...
Impact of Information System On Business
Impact of Information System On Business
Information system is the system of mixture of information technology and people's activities that help in operations, management and decision making process. It commonly referred to the interaction between people, procedures, information and technology. It is the process of ...
IT Role in Country Progress
IT Role in Country Progress
The word “technology” refers to that branch of knowledge, which deals with scientific and industrial methods and their practical use in industry. This explains why some refer to it simply as “practical science”. It is in this sense that Langley and Shain, ...
Operating System Analysis
Operating System Analysis
Operating systems consider being the most important element in the generation of modern computers. It is due to the operating system that supports the other programs known as software to run over it. Choosing the correct operating system is quite difficult for the user. The matters ...
Constructs Required in a Song
Constructs Required in a Song
The constructs required in a song
Sound mixers are amongst the most common type of equipment in the world of audio production. Every sound operator must know what a sound mixer is and how to use it. A sound mixer ...