Registration System

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Registration System

Registration System


Technology has significantly helped individuals and institutions in all sectors of life. In Education sector too, it has also helped students, teachers and administrators significantly, reducing time and effort to perform a task. Similarly, online registration process has also helped students to register their courses or get admission through online system without the need to go to the institute. As part of the team, I have been assigned the task to improve the registration system as it often faces problems due to extreme load and pressure. In this paper we discuss how we can improve the process and what features the system presents.


Online Registration system have one thing in common: they are all forms of content. Once they are digitised and moved onto the Internet, any data become content, making almost all data related to students available to registration on the online portal.

Successful online registration systems and web sites provide great content in both information and services that cater for student and administration needs. However, it suggests that content alone is almost useless in an Internet-based environment, especially if the content is available more readily through another medium. It is important to make proper use of student data and make the online registration system a rapid one that makes it convenient for the students (Yu, 2006).

It is difficult for the institute competing through information technology resources to gain a sustainable advantage because systems are easy to imitate and substitute resources are often available to competitors. The institutes are expected to obtain a number of benefits from this strategy, including increased efficiency, possible bias in favour of the computerised registration systems owner on the part of the admission and course registration, and online fee deposit for students.

My part of the project also includes training that I will be providing to my team that will let them know how to optimally improve the system usage and how to actually use it. A Web product that provides services on-line registration for various school will be obtained to improve the old software that has failed to achieve the objective. The application must be fully integrated into Web-use from both points of view of students and administration, and which offers easy maintenance and management of the application. From a functional standpoint, the fundamental difference between any anonymous user and the agencies or companies, apart from the latter to be ...
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