Some Moral Minima

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Some Moral Minima

Some Moral Minima


Lenn Goodman, in his article, “Some Moral Minima” argued that there are some major things in the world which are simply wrong. There are numerous of things which are indeed some of the major cause of concern and are plain ethical and wrong in all the cultures. Goodman has discussed various issues in his article which he believes are wrong which include incest, polygamy, rape, murder, terrorism, genocide and slavery. Goodman has rightfully said that that some things are wrong and I agree with his thesis statement. In this paper, his views and opinions are discussed.


Whatever Goodman wrote in his article is considered true by me. I am absolutely in agreement with the fact that no has any right to kill and take away the life of another individual. No matter what the reason is there is no excuse or justification to kill, rape merely to fulfill ones' desire, or snatch away the rights of any individual for the sake of attaining wealth or respect. I agree with Goodman that each and every individual be it a child, woman or a man has every right to live and have liberty in this world. According to Mosser, the relativism is known as the “idea that one's belief and values are understood in terms of one's society, culture, or even one's own individual values”. What one culture might consider as morally correct, it can be considered morally wrong by another culture (Goodman, 2010). For example, infidelity is frowned upon by many cultures and societies while in some of the cultures and societies, it is considered as normal to share their partners and become involved with different individuals. In some cultures, it is not considered unethical to have intimate or physical relationship with an individual other than their ...
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