Some Moral Minima

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Some Moral Minima

Some Moral Minima

Lenn E. Goodman wrote the article Some Moral Minima in an attempt to point out certain morals that should be universal. Goodman singles "out a few areas where I think human deserts are irrefragable — not because these deserts are never questioned or breached in practice, but because they never should be." (Goodman, 2010) The article more specifically targets "(1) genocide, politically induced famine, and germ warfare; (2) terrorism, hostage taking, and child warriors; (3) slavery, polygamy, and incest; and (4) rape and female genital cutting." (Goodman, 2010) Although Goodman makes several viable points, his view of universal deserts is too broad. Values and morals are not universal (Goodman, 2010).

Goodman claims that "all living beings make claims to life" and that "murder is wrong because it destroys a human subject." Generally, this is true. However, it is also subjective to the situation. Is it wrong to kill a person in an act of self-defense? There are certain situations where the taking of someone else's life is justified. As Louis P. Pojman stated, "Intentionally taking the life of an innocent human being is so evil that absent mitigating circumstances, the perpetuator forfeits his own right to life. He or she deserves to die." (Waller, 2008)

War too, is an instance where in some cases the ends justify the means. While genocide, which "targets individuals as members of a group, seeking to destroy a race, a culture, a linguistic or ethnic identity, even class" (Goodman, 2010) is wrong, the killing of innocent people is a part of war. Indeed, it would be wiser to use whatever means necessary to end a war a quickly as possible, rather than prolonging it for the sake of trying to avoid hurting innocent people. That is the very nature of war. Goodman also speaks of terrorism as an absolute. "Terrorism is willful targeting of non-combatants, aiming to intimidate and attract attention. It is a war crime, since war, if just at all, seeks only to block an enemy's ability to make war." (Goodman, 2010) Again, this too, is subjective. "Terrorism, as a tactic, finds its military use in sapping the will to resist." In this case, ending the will of an enemy to continuously attack may be a better idea than sacrificing one's own citizens on a matter of principle. Perhaps the reason for inhabitants of certain countries to reject this ...
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