Some Moral Minima

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Lenn Goodman's Some Moral Minima

Lenn Goodman's Some Moral Minima


We wonder why we want a moral minimum, if we have a maximum? We do not need the moral minimum which leads to mediocrity, breeding ground for totalitarianism, but the excellence of the hero and the saint. But these are bad times for the epic. They have banished heroes and saints too fundamentalist extremism of the Cid and Saint Paul. Neither strength nor charity. Virtue and vice have disappeared from public discourse. They are a danger to national security because heroism is willing to sacrifice their lives for the good and true. Too much risk for those who want to stay in power indefinitely. So you are depriving future generations of poetic sense of life, and condemned to a life prosaic. Without holiness no heroism and discard the possibility of the extraordinary in human life, and amputating the true horizon of the transcendent human. The minimum moral minimizes the person makes less than itself, reducing its importance in the world. It is a moral consciousness and drugged miniaturized synderesis, the primary sense of right and wrong.


The builders of the new man say his new monument rational, moral minimum, is neutral, unlike the "biased" religious morals. What is neutral to deny that God is the source of morality? And to say that there is neither good nor moral evil by nature? Its foundations are as neutral as Wahhabi Islam or Marx's theses on the bourgeoisie (Good & Borden, 2010). Neutrality is objectivity, not indifference to reality far from denying the truth. Morality without religion, they say. A breakthrough into the abyss of moral apathy.

There is a common morality, accessible to every person of every age, condition and belief, as old as human nature inevitably accompanying the moral That banished for the automation and totalitarianism, hidden in the universities, in public life and in the media. Supplanted by the tiny moral, ersatz common law of the human family. Natural law is not religion or dogma or belief. It is natural reason that captures the good and evil, truth in every moment and circumstance, beyond relativism of convenience. It is our safeguard against tyranny and lifeline from corruption. Therefore, the driving forces of the century the silence, and darken the reason hypnotizing our intelligence. The darkening of the natural law in human consciousness is no social gain, no emancipation of man's moral autonomy (Orend, ...
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